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[英]async Task<IEnumerable> with yield return?

The below method doesn't compile.以下方法无法编译。 Alternatives?备择方案?

public static async Task<IEnumerable<object[]>> GetRecordsAsync(
    this Transaction transaction,
    string commandText,
    params SqlParameter[] parameters)
    // Get a SqlDataReader
    var reader = await transaction.GetReaderAsync(commandText, parameters);
    var fieldCount = -1;
    // Begin iterating through records asynchronously
    while (await reader.ReadAsync()) // Note we don't loop until .ReadAsync returns a boolean
        // Grab all the field values out
        if (fieldCount < 0)
            fieldCount = reader.FieldCount;
        var fields = new object[fieldCount];
        // Yield return the field values from this record
        yield return fields;

Error message:错误信息:

The body of 'TransactionExtensions.GetRecordsAsync(Transaction, string, params SqlParameter[])' cannot be an iterator block because 'Task>' is not an iterator interface type 'TransactionExtensions.GetRecordsAsync(Transaction, string, params SqlParameter[])' 的主体不能是迭代器块,因为 'Task>' 不是迭代器接口类型

I don't see a way to adapt this answer to a similar sounding (but different) question, because I don't know a priori how many times the loop will go.我不明白的方式来适应这个答案的发音相似的(但不同)的问题,因为我不知道先验循环多少次去。

Edit: fixed formatting编辑:固定格式

Based on @SLaks's comment to the question, here's a general alternative using Reactive Extensions : 基于@ SLaks对该问题的评论,这里是使用Reactive Extensions的一般替代方案:

/// <summary>
/// Turns the given asynchronous functions into an IObservable
/// </summary>
static IObservable<T> ToObservable<T>(
    Func<Task<bool>> shouldLoopAsync,
    Func<Task<T>> getAsync)
    return Observable.Create<T>(
        observer => Task.Run(async () =>
                while (await shouldLoopAsync())
                    var value = await getAsync();

Example usage, tailored to solve the question's specific case: 用于解决问题特定案例的示例用法:

/// <summary>
/// Asynchronously processes each record of the given reader using the given handler
/// </summary>
static async Task ProcessResultsAsync(this SqlDataReader reader, Action<object[]> fieldsHandler)
    // Set up async functions for the reader
    var shouldLoopAsync = (Func<Task<bool>>)reader.ReadAsync;
    var getAsync = new Func<SqlDataReader, Func<Task<object[]>>>(_reader =>
        var fieldCount = -1;
        return () => Task.Run(() =>
            Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref fieldCount, _reader.FieldCount, -1);
            var fields = new object[fieldCount];
            return fields;

    // Turn the async functions into an IObservable
    var observable = ToObservable(shouldLoopAsync, getAsync);

    // Process the fields as they become available
    var finished = new ManualResetEventSlim(); // This will be our signal for when the observable completes
    using (observable.Subscribe(
        onNext: fieldsHandler, // Invoke the handler for each set of fields
        onCompleted: finished.Set // Set the gate when the observable completes
    )) // Don't forget best practice of disposing IDisposables
        // Asynchronously wait for the gate to be set
        await Task.Run((Action)finished.Wait);

(Note that getAsync could be simplified in the above code block, but I like how explicit it is about the closure that's being created) (注意, getAsync可以在上面的代码块中简化,但我喜欢它是如何显式的关于正在创建的闭包)

...and finally: ......最后:

// Get a SqlDataReader
var reader = await transaction.GetReaderAsync(commandText, parameters);
// Do something with the records
await reader.ProcessResultsAsync(fields => { /* Code here to process each record */ });

Don't return a Task<IEnumerable<T>> and don't even use Task at all for this;不要返回Task<IEnumerable<T>>甚至根本不要为此使用Task instead, return an IAsyncEnumerable<T> .相反,返回一个IAsyncEnumerable<T> No need for third-party libraries or other workarounds, no need to even alter the body of your original method.无需第三方库或其他解决方法,甚至无需更改原始方法的主体。

public static async IAsyncEnumerable<object[]> GetRecordsAsync(
    this Transaction transaction,
    string commandText,
    params SqlParameter[] parameters)
    // Get a SqlDataReader
    var reader = await transaction.GetReaderAsync(commandText, parameters);
    var fieldCount = -1;
    // Begin iterating through records asynchronously
    while (await reader.ReadAsync()) // Note we don't loop until .ReadAsync returns a boolean
        // Grab all the field values out
        if (fieldCount < 0)
            fieldCount = reader.FieldCount;
        var fields = new object[fieldCount];
        // Yield return the field values from this record
        yield return fields;

I solved it without third-party extensions: 我解决了它没有第三方扩展:

public async Task<IEnumerable<Item>> GetAllFromDb()
    OracleConnection connection = null;
    DbDataReader reader = null;
        connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString);
        var command = new OracleCommand(queryString, connection);

        reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync();

        return this.BuildEnumerable(connection, reader);
    catch (Exception)

private IEnumerable<Item> BuildEnumerable(OracleConnection connection, DbDataReader reader)
    using (connection)
    using (reader)
        while (reader.Read())
            var item = new Item()
                Prop = reader.GetString(0),
            yield return item;

This example is for Oracle Data Reader but the same approach is applicable to any asynchronous operation combined with yield return 此示例适用于Oracle Data Reader,但相同的方法适用于任何与yield return相结合的异步操作

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