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[英]How do I alias particular values in SQL?

I will present a question about 'aliasing' values from a column. 我将在列中提出有关“别名”值的问题。 I will use days of the week as an intuitive example to get my question across, but I am not asking for datetime conversions. 我将以一周中的几天作为一个直观的例子来阐明我的问题,但我不是在要求日期时间转换。

Suppose I have the following SQL script: 假设我有以下SQL脚本:

SELECT DaysOfWeek 
FROM [databasename].[dbo].[tablename]

Now, the column DaysOfWeek will return string values of the days' names, ie "Monday," "Tuesday," and so forth. 现在, DaysOfWeek列将返回日期名称的字符串值,即“ Monday”,“ Tuesday”等。

What if I wanted the query to return the integer 1 for 'Monday', 2 for 'Tuesday', and so forth? 如果我希望查询为“星期一”返回整数1,为“星期二”返回整数2,以此类推呢? I would want to assign a particular value to each of the week's days in the SELECT statement, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that. 我想在SELECT语句中为一周中的每一天分配一个特定的值,但是我不确定该怎么做。

I'm relatively new to SQL, so I just thought I'd ask for an intuitive method to perform such a task. 我对SQL比较陌生,所以我只是想要求一种直观的方法来执行此类任务。

Edited to add: I'm only using days of the week and their respective integer representation as an easy example; 编辑添加:我仅使用星期几及其各自的整数表示作为简单示例; my task does not involve days of the week, but rather employee code numbers and corresponding titles. 我的任务不涉及星期几,而是涉及员工编号和相应的职务。

You can do this using case : 您可以使用case进行此操作:

             WHEN 'Monday' THEN 1
             WHEN 'Tuesday' THEN 2
             . . .

Under most circumstances, it is unnecessary to store the day of the week like this. 在大多数情况下,不必像这样存储星期几。 You can readily use a function, datepart() or datename() , to extract the day of the week from a date/time value. 您可以方便地使用函数datepart()datename()从日期/时间值中提取星期几。

If the column is in a table, and not part of a date, then you might want to include the above logic as a computed column: 如果该列在表中,而不是日期的一部分,那么您可能希望将上述逻辑作为计算列包括在内:

alter table t add DayOfWeekNumber as (case DaysOfWeek when 'Monday' then 1 . . .);

If you wanted to define your own corresponding value for another value, the best way is to use a table, and join that table. 如果要为另一个值定义自己的对应值,最好的方法是使用一个表并将其联接。

For example: 例如:

create table dbo.EmployeeTitle (
    id int not null identity(1,1) primary key
  , title varchar(32)

create table dbo.Employee (
    id int not null identity(1,1) primary key
  , name nvarchar(128)
  , title_id int references dbo.EmployeeTitle(id)

insert into dbo.EmployeeTitle values ('Big boss');
insert into dbo.Employee values ('daOnlyBG',1);

select e.*, et.title
from dbo.Employee e
  inner join dbo.EmployeeTitle et
    on e.title_id = et.id

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returns: 返回:

| id |   name   | title_id |  title   |
|  1 | daOnlyBG |        1 | Big boss |

Use CASE, here you have the definition and one example : 使用CASE, 这里有定义和一个示例:

          WHEN(DaysOfWeek="Monday") THEN 1
          WHEN(DaysOfWeek="Thusday") THEN 2
    ELSE  -1 
from table

Hope this help! 希望有帮助!

The easiest way I can think of is to have a table variable or CTE; 我想到的最简单的方法是拥有一个表变量或CTE。 create your lookup as rows and join to it. 将您的查找创建为行并将其加入。 Something like this: 像这样:

with cte as (
  select 1 as emp_code, 'value1' as emp_title
  select 2 as emp_code, 'value2' as emp_title
  select 3 as emp_code, 'value3' as emp_title

select cte.emp_code, tableName.*
from tableName
inner join cte
on cte.emp_title = tableName.some_column

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