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[英]How do i sum up the values of a particular sales Rep in a table

This is the table这是桌子

How can I sum up all Expr for sales rep "03"我如何总结销售代表“03”的所有 Expr

When i use a calculator, The sum of "03" will be correct, and i have tried sum(number-ordered * quoted_price) But it goes ahead to add all salesrep's sales together当我使用计算器时,“03”的总和是正确的,我已经尝试过 sum(number-ordered * quoted_price) 但它继续将所有 salesrep 的销售额加在一起

Due to the limited amount of data, I will have to provide you with a minimal answer.由于数据量有限,我将不得不为您提供最低限度的答案。
Essentially what you are doing right now is that you are trying to get a sum of all of them.本质上,你现在正在做的是你试图得到所有这些的总和。

You will need to use a where condition or group by to get only data of the the rep.您将需要使用where条件或group by来仅获取代表的数据。

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