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在我的angular 2应用程序中集成bootstrap 4 popover时出现错误

[英]I am getting error while integrating bootstrap 4 popover in my angular 2 application

I am using Angular 2 RC 5 version. 我正在使用Angular 2 RC 5版本。 In my angular 2 application I am using system.config.js in that I have mapped ng2-boostrap package like below 在我的angular 2应用程序中,我正在使用system.config.js,因为我已经映射了ng2-boostrap包,如下所示

var map={
'ng2-bootstrap/ng2-bootstrap': 'node_modules/ng2-bootstrap/ng2-bootstrap',

and in app module file i am importing it like below 在应用程序模块文件中,我将其导入如下

import {PopoverModule   } from 'ng2-bootstrap/ng2-bootstrap';

  imports: [PopoverModule.forRoot()]

Using all of above, still I am getting an error in browser's console as below 使用以上所有内容,仍然在浏览器的控制台中出现如下错误

Error: (SystemJS) Cannot read property 'forRoot' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'forRoot' of undefined at eval ( http://localhost:3000/assets/app.module.js:259:149 ) at execute ( http://localhost:3000/assets/app.module.js:270:14 ) Error loading http://localhost:3000/assets/main.js 错误:(SystemJS)无法读取在执行( http :// localhost:3000 / assets / app.module.js:259:149 )时在eval( http:// localhost:3000 / assets / app.module.js:259:149 )处无法读取的undefined属性'forRoot' :// localhost:3000 / assets / app.module.js:270:14 )加载http:// localhost:3000 / assets / main.js时出错

I am referring this link https://valor-software.com/ng2-bootstrap/index-bs4.html#/popover 我指的是此链接https://valor-software.com/ng2-bootstrap/index-bs4.html#/popover

Not sure about the library you are referring but here are few observations: 不确定您要引用的库,但以下是一些观察结果:

  • You are using a very old version of Angular - you should update to the latest 2.x or consider 4.x straight away 您使用的是Angular的非常旧的版本-您应该更新到最新的2.x或立即考虑使用4.x
  • If you are willing to explore different approaches here is an excellent library that has all the Bootstrap components, including popover: https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/components/popover 如果您愿意探索不同的方法,这里是一个优秀的库,其中包含所有Bootstrap组件,包括popover: https ://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/components/popover

The mentioned library is known to work with Angular 2.x and 4.x and is very simple to use: 提到的库已知可以与Angular 2.x和4.x一起使用,并且使用非常简单:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" placement="top"
        ngbPopover="Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus." popoverTitle="Popover on top">
  Popover on top

You can see it in action in this minimal plunk (it should help you configure SystemJS and other files in your project): http://plnkr.co/edit/pTZpUjpmAe2Pc1jxO2u0?p=preview 您可以通过最小的操作看到它的实际效果(它应该有助于您在项目中配置SystemJS和其他文件): http ://plnkr.co/edit/pTZpUjpmAe2Pc1jxO2u0?p=preview


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