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当我尝试在我的 Angular 项目中添加引导程序时出现此错误

[英]I am getting this error when i try to add bootstrap in my Angular project


I tried using following command too,我也尝试使用以下命令,

ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap -- force

It didnt worked, so i deleted both node_modules and package-lock.json files.它没有用,所以我删除了node_modulespackage-lock.json文件。 I reinstalled it using following command.我使用以下命令重新安装了它。

npm install --legacy-peer-deps

Still i am having the same problem.我仍然有同样的问题。 Anyone have an idea?有人有想法吗?

I was following a tutorial, thats why i had to use those commands.我正在学习一个教程,这就是我必须使用这些命令的原因。 insted i used this.我用这个。

  • I had to just install bootstrap on your angular 14 and import css file to style.css file.我只需要在你的 angular 14 上安装引导程序并将 css 文件导入 style.css 文件。 this is only for css importing.这仅适用于 css 导入。 so you can run command bellow:所以你可以运行下面的命令:

npm install bootstrap --save npm install bootstrap --save

  • then i imported bootstrap css on style.css file as like bellow:然后我在 style.css 文件中导入了 bootstrap css,如下所示:

@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"; @import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";

Referance link 参考链接

You simpley do 

npm install bootstrap

and then map the respected soure location into your angular.json file 

"scripts": [ 
"styles": [

And restart your app 
You can try with ngx also


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