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[英]Decode non-ascii characters in an ascii file?

I'm parsing a file which is in ascii format but includes non-ascii characters in big5 (Trad. Chinese). 我正在解析一个ascii格式的文件,但在big5(Trad。中文)中包含非ascii字符。
For details is a CWR file from CISAC. 有关详细信息,请参阅CISAC的CWR文件。

I'm trying to decode the non-ascii characters unsuccesfully. 我试图不成功地解码非ascii字符。 Here an example line: 这是一个示例行:

NWN000003930000016400507347 ^N&ÊÅ+/{^O

From position 29 to 188 should be encoded in big5. 从位置29到188应该用big5编码。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sys
import binascii
from chardet.universaldetector import UniversalDetector
from chardet import detect

with open("/path/to/file") as fd:
    line = fd.readline()
    while line:
        if line[0:3] == 'NWN':
            last_name = line[29:188]
            print last_name
            print detect(line)['encoding']
            print last_name.decode('big5')
        line = fd.readline()

However, the result I get for the row above is: 但是,我得到的上述行的结果是:


And for the following row: 对于以下行:

NWN000000140000016300401453 ^N/õ<Dï.^O

even crashes: 甚至崩溃:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test_big5.py", line 36, in <module>
print last_name.decode('big5')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'big5' codec can't decode bytes in position 1-2: illegal multibyte sequence

I also tried as follows: 我也试过如下:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from codecs import EncodedFile

from_encoding = 'big5'
to_encoding = 'utf8'    
sys.stdout = EncodedFile(sys.stdout, from_encoding, to_encoding)

f = file("/path/to/file", "r")
str = f.read()

I attach a sample file here 在这里附上一个示例文件

Any idea about what I'm doing wrong? 关于我做错了什么的任何想法?

You should be able to read the file with the big5 codec. 您应该能够使用big5编解码器读取该文件。 When trying it, I got 在尝试时,我得到了

>>> import codecs
>>> codecs.open('nwn.file', encoding="big5").read()
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/codecs.py", line 668, in read
        return self.reader.read(size)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'big5' codec can't decode bytes in position 1790-1791: illegal multibyte sequence

The lines in your file are pretty long, so I read them into a list (no codecs, just open the file in "rb" mode and readlines()) and trimmed out whitespace. 你文件中的行很长,所以我把它们读成一个列表(没有编解码器,只需在“rb”模式和readlines()中打开文件)并修剪掉空格。 Now I can use this list as a runnable example. 现在我可以将此列表用作可运行的示例。 This is what I was getting at when I suggested you post data from the file read in binary mode. 当我建议你从以二进制模式读取的文件中发布数据时,这就是我所得到的。

test = [
b'NWN000003930000016400507347 \x0e&\xca\xc5+/{\x0f                    ZH\r\n'
b'NWN000003960000016400507347 \x0e&\xca\xc5+/{\x0f                    ZH\r\n'
b'NWN000005660000046800507347 \x0e&\xca\xc5+/{\x0f                    ZH\r\n'
b'NWN000016200000016400507347 \x0e&\xca\xc5+/{\x0f                    ZH\r\n'
b'NWN000025600000016400507347 \x0e&\xca\xc5+/{\x0f                    ZH\r\n'
b'NWN000000140000016300401453 \x0e/\xf5<D\xef.\x0f                    ZH\r\n' 

Then I did the decode line by line. 然后我逐行解码。 Instead of the default errors='strict' , I used replace to see what's going on. 而不是默认的errors='strict' ,我使用replace来看看发生了什么。 Those &岒+/{ are a bit odd, but then I don't know what this file is. 那些&岒+/{有点奇怪,但后来我不知道这个文件是什么。 Notice the question marks are the final line. 请注意,问号是最后一行。 There are non-big8 sequences. 有非big8序列。 This file is corrupt. 此文件已损坏。

>>> for line in test:
...     print line.strip().decode('big5', errors='replace')
NWN000003930000016400507347 &岒+/{                    ZH
NWN000003960000016400507347 &岒+/{                    ZH
NWN000005660000046800507347 &岒+/{                    ZH
NWN000016200000016400507347 &岒+/{                    ZH
NWN000025600000016400507347 &岒+/{                    ZH
NWN000000140000016300401453 /�D�                    ZH

If you want most of the data, you could decode line by line like my example and catch that error. 如果您需要大部分数据,您可以像我的示例一样逐行解码并捕获该错误。

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