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Matplotlib 中的非 ASCII 字符

[英]Non-ASCII characters in Matplotlib

I have a problem displaying non- ASCII characters in Matplotlib, these characters are rendered as small boxes instead of a proper font, it looks like (I filled these boxes with red paint to hightlight them):我在 Matplotlib 中显示非ASCII字符时遇到问题,这些字符呈现为小框而不是正确的字体,看起来像(我用红色颜料填充这些框以突出显示它们):


How do I fix it?我如何解决它?

A related question is Accented characters in Matplotlib .一个相关的问题是Matplotlib 中的重音字符

This problem may actually have a couple of different causes: 这个问题实际上可能有几个不同的原因:

The default font does not include these glyphs 默认字体不包括这些字形

You may change the default font using the following (before any plotting is done!) 您可以使用以下内容更改默认字体(在任何绘图完成之前!)

matplotlib.rc('font', family='Arial')

In some versions of matplotlib you'll have to set the family: 在matplotlib的某些版本中,您必须设置系列:

matplotlib.rc('font', **{'sans-serif' : 'Arial',
                         'family' : 'sans-serif'})

(Note that because sans-serif contains a hyphen inside the **{} syntax, it is actually necessary.) (注意,因为sans-serif**{}语法中包含连字符,所以实际上是必要的。)

The first command changes the sans-serif font family to contain only one font (in my case it was Arial ), the second sets the default font family to sans-serif . 第一个命令将sans-serif字体系列更改为仅包含一个字体(在我的例子中是Arial ),第二个命令将默认字体系列设置为sans-serif

Other options are included in the documentation . 其他选项包含在文档中

You have improperly created/passed string objects into Matplotlib 您已将不正确的字符串对象创建/传递到Matplotlib中

Even if the font contains proper glyphs, if you forgot to use u to create Unicode constants, Matplotlib will have this behaviour: 即使字体包含正确的字形,如果您忘记使用u来创建Unicode常量,Matplotlib也会出现这种情况:

plt.xlabel("Średnia odległość między stacjami wsparcia a modelowaną [km]")

So you need to add u : 所以你需要添加u

plt.xlabel(u"Średnia odległość między stacjami wsparcia a modelowaną [km]")

Another cause is that you forgot to put a UTF-8 magic comment on top of the file (I read that this might be the source of the problem ): 另一个原因是你忘了在文件顶部放置一个UTF-8魔术评论(我读到这可能是问题的根源 ):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

jb. 's answer is good enough. 的答案已经足够好了。 In case you want to avoid adding u , use this 如果您想避免添加u ,请使用此选项

from __future__ import unicode_literals

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