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[英]Watermark full width and height using GD library

Alright so I am trying to set this watermark to full width and height so it fills the image but for some reason it keeps popping up in its original size only. 好吧,所以我试图将此水印设置为全角和全角,以使其充满图像,但由于某种原因,它只会以其原始大小弹出。

So basically instead of stretching the watermark to fit the image, not it just places the watermark in the middle of the image... 因此,基本上没有拉伸水印以适合图像,而不仅仅是将水印放置在图像的中间...

    function watermark($sourcefile, $watermarkfile) {

    # $sourcefile = Filename of the picture to be watermarked.
    # $watermarkfile = Filename of the 24-bit PNG watermark file.

    //Get the resource ids of the pictures
    $watermarkfile_id = imagecreatefrompng($watermarkfile);

    imageAlphaBlending($watermarkfile_id, false);
    imageSaveAlpha($watermarkfile_id, true);

    $fileType = strtolower(substr($sourcefile, strlen($sourcefile)-3));

    switch($fileType) {
            $sourcefile_id = imagecreatefromgif($sourcefile);

            $sourcefile_id = imagecreatefrompng($sourcefile);

            $sourcefile_id = imagecreatefromjpeg($sourcefile);

    //Get the sizes of both pix   

    $dest_x = ( $sourcefile_width / 2 ) - ( $watermarkfile_width / 2 );
    $dest_y = ( $sourcefile_height / 2 ) - ( $watermarkfile_height / 2 );

    // if a gif, we have to upsample it to a truecolor image
    if($fileType == 'gif') {
        // create an empty truecolor container
        $tempimage = imagecreatetruecolor($sourcefile_width,

        // copy the 8-bit gif into the truecolor image
        imagecopy($tempimage, $sourcefile_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                            $sourcefile_width, $sourcefile_height);

        // copy the source_id int
        $sourcefile_id = $tempimage;

    imagecopy($sourcefile_id, $watermarkfile_id, $dest_x, $dest_y, 0, 0,
                        $watermarkfile_width, $watermarkfile_height);

    //Create a jpeg out of the modified picture
    switch($fileType) {

        // remember we don't need gif any more, so we use only png or jpeg.
        // See the upsaple code immediately above to see how we handle gifs
            header("Content-type: image/png");
            imagepng ($sourcefile_id);

            header("Content-type: image/jpg");
            imagejpeg ($sourcefile_id);



Use imagescale to sclae your watermark image to the same size as your source image and then use imagecopy : 使用imagescale将水印图像缩放为与源图像相同的大小,然后使用imagecopy

$scaled_id = imagescale($watermarkfile_id, $sourcefile_width, $sourcefile_height);
imagecopy($sourcefile_id, $scaled_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, $watermarkfile_width, $watermarkfile_height);

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