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std :: call_once是阻塞调用吗?

[英]Is std::call_once a blocking call?

I'm using std::call_once in my code to initialize some shared variables only once. 我在我的代码中使用std::call_once只初始化一些共享变量一次。 The calling code is inside a callback that is triggered by multiple threads. 调用代码位于由多个线程触发的回调内。 What I'm interested to know, since I couldn't find it in the documentation is whether std::call_once is blocking essentially as if there was a std::lock_guard instead? 我有兴趣知道,因为我在文档中找不到它是std::call_once是否阻塞,就好像有一个std::lock_guard In practice it looks like this is the case. 在实践中,看起来就是这种情况。

For example, the following will print "Done" before any print() will be called: 例如,以下将在调用任何print()之前打印"Done"

#include <future>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>

std::once_flag flag;

void print()
    for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
          std::cout << "Hi, my name is " << std::this_thread::get_id() 
            << ", what?" << std::endl;

void do_once()
    std::cout << "sleeping for a while..." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;

void work()
    std::call_once(flag, [](){ do_once(); });

int main()
    auto handle1 = std::async(std::launch::async, work);
    auto handle2 = std::async(std::launch::async, work);
    auto handle3 = std::async(std::launch::async, work);
    auto handle4 = std::async(std::launch::async, work);


I'm assuming this is indeed the case (since I don't see how it could be implemented otherwise), but is this behavior guaranteed or could there be a compiler that decides that std::call_once will indeed be called once but allow other threads to continue and just ignore this call? 我假设情况确实如此(因为我看不出它是如何实现的),但这种行为是否得到保证,或者是否有编译器决定std::call_once确实会被调用一次但是允许其他线程继续,只是忽略这个调用?

Yes std::call_once is a blocking call. 是的std::call_once是一个阻塞调用。 From [thread.once.callonce] we have 来自[thread.once.callonce]我们有

Effects: An execution of call_once that does not call its func is a passive execution. 效果:不调用其func的call_once的执行是被动执行。 An execution of call_once that calls its func is an active execution. 调用其func的call_once的执行是一个活动执行。 An active execution shall call INVOKE (DECAY_COPY ( std::forward<Callable>(func)), DECAY_COPY (std::forward<Args>(args))...) . 活动执行应调用INVOKE (DECAY_COPY ( std::forward<Callable>(func)), DECAY_COPY (std::forward<Args>(args))...) If such a call to func throws an exception the execution is exceptional, otherwise it is returning. 如果对func的这种调用抛出异常,则执行异常,否则返回。 An exceptional execution shall propagate the exception to the caller of call_once. 异常执行应将异常传播给call_once的调用者。 Among all executions of call_once for any given once_flag : at most one shall be a returning execution; 在任何给定的once_flagcall_once所有执行中:最多一个应该是返回执行; if there is a returning execution, it shall be the last active execution; 如果有返回执行,则应该是最后一次执行; and there are passive executions only if there is a returning execution. 只有在返回执行时才会执行被动执行。 [ Note: passive executions allow other threads to reliably observe the results produced by the earlier returning execution. [注意:被动执行允许其他线程可靠地观察先前返回执行产生的结果。 —end note ] - 尾注]

Synchronization: For any given once_flag : all active executions occur in a total order; 同步:对于任何给定的once_flag :所有活动执行都按总顺序发生; completion of an active execution synchronizes with (1.10) the start of the next one in this total order; 活动执行的完成与(1.10)该总订单中下一个的开始同步; and the returning execution synchronizes with the return from all passive executions. 并且返回的执行与所有被动执行的返回同步。

emphasis mine 强调我的

This means that all calls to call_once will wait until the function passed to call_once completes. 这意味着对call_once所有调用都将等待,直到传递给call_once的函数完成。 In your case that means do_once() must be called before any thread calls print() 在你的情况下,这意味着必须在任何线程调用print()之前调用do_once() print()

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