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[英]how to support incognito/private mode in wkwebview/uiwebview

I am working on a incongnito browser.I am using wkwebview when I clear all the cookies I can see that popular search engine like google remembers the searches that has been made.我正在使用隐身浏览器。当我清除所有 cookie 时,我正在使用 wkwebview 我可以看到像谷歌这样的流行搜索引擎会记住已经进行的搜索。

I tried cleaning all the cookies in NSHTTPCookieStorage and resetcookies using NSURLSession but its still not working.我尝试清除 NSHTTPCookieStorage 中的所有 cookie 并使用 NSURLSession 重置cookies,但它仍然无法正常工作。

Set nonpersistentdatastore for wkwebsitedatastore for wkwebviewconfiguration for wkwebviewwkwebsitedatastore设置nonpersistentdatastore for wkwebviewconfiguration for wkwebview

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Creating a non-tracking in-app web browser创建非跟踪应用内网络浏览器

Private browsing in iOS using WKWebView使用 WKWebView 在 iOS 中进行私密浏览

As per apple documentation : To support private browsing,create a data store object and assign it to the websiteDataStore property of a WKWebViewConfiguration object before you create your web view.根据苹果文档要支持隐私浏览,请在创建 Web 视图之前创建一个数据存储对象并将其分配给 WKWebViewConfiguration 对象的 websiteDataStore 属性。 The default() method returns the default data store that saves website data persistently to disk. default() 方法返回将网站数据持久保存到磁盘的默认数据存储。 To implement private browsing, create a nonpersistent data store using the nonPersistent() method instead.要实现隐私浏览,请改为使用 nonPersistent() 方法创建非持久性数据存储。

    let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
    webConfiguration.processPool = WKProcessPool()
    webConfiguration.websiteDataStore = WKWebsiteDataStore.nonPersistent()
    let webView = WKWebView(frame: self.webContainerView.bounds, configuration: webConfiguration)
    // Set up request
    if let requestURL = URL(string: "enter_url_to_load") {
        var request = URLRequest(url: requestURL)
        request.httpShouldHandleCookies = false
        request.cachePolicy = .reloadIgnoringLocalAndRemoteCacheData
        webView.navigationDelegate = self

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