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thread_local和std :: future对象-对象的生存期是多少?

[英]thread_local and std::future object - what is the lifetime of an object?

Here's my test code: 这是我的测试代码:

vector<int> const & foo(int const counter)
    thread_local static vector<int> v{counter, counter + 1, counter + 2};
    return v;

int main()
    using myFut = future<vector<int> const &>;

    vector<myFut> futures;
    for(int i{0}; i < 5; ++i)
        futures.push_back(async(launch::async, &foo, i * 3));

    for(myFut & fut : futures)
        vector<int> v{fut.get()}; // or vector<int> const & v{fut.get()};
        cout << v.size() << endl; // 0, I expect 3

    return 0;

When foo() returns a thread can be destroyed - together with a thread_local variable. foo()返回时,可以将线程与thread_local变量一起销毁。 But since I'm using a std::future the lifetime of the variable should be prolonged until the call to std::future::get() , right? 但是,由于我使用的是std::future ,因此该变量的寿命应延长到调用std::future::get() ,对吧? But in my case the std::future returns an empty vector. 但是在我的情况下, std::future返回一个空向量。 So what are the rules? 那么有什么规则?

But since I'm using a std::future the lifetime of the variable should be prolonged until the call to std::future::get(), right? 但是由于我使用的是std :: future,因此该变量的寿命应延长到调用std :: future :: get()之前,对吧?

That's not the case. 事实并非如此。 The thread used by std::async will call set_value() on the std::promise associated with the future, and then it's free to terminate. std :: async使用的线程将在与将来关联的std::promise上调用set_value() ,然后可以自由终止。 Therefore, your thread-local variable may well be destroyed before std::future::get() returns or even before you call it. 因此,您的线程局部变量很可能在std::future::get()返回之前甚至在您调用它之前就被销毁了。

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