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cypher neo4j-收集一组节点

[英]cypher neo4j - collect a group of nodes

I try to get a collection of nodes in my neo4j project 我尝试在我的neo4j项目中获取节点集合

my db try describe connection between users and movies by rating 我的数据库尝试通过评分描述用户和电影之间的连接

so i link the users to the movie with link "RATED" that have a rating value(1-5) 所以我将用户链接到电影的链接“ RATED”,其评级值为(1-5)

in addition i linked the users with themselves with "SIMILARITY" link 此外,我还通过“相似”链接将用户与自己链接在一起

now i have groups of users that have liked between them 现在我有一群喜欢的用户

the groups of users 用户组

i want to see for each group of similarity users:group of movies that liked that movies(liked = rating>=4) 我想为每组相似用户查看:喜欢该电影的电影组(喜欢=评分> = 4)


in this example my result is:Outbreak,Dance With Wolves,Disclosure 在此示例中,我的结果是:爆发,与狼共舞,披露

Now that you have created a direct relationship SIMILAR between users, you must run a community detection algorithms, so that it defines different groups of users. 现在,您已经在用户之间创建了直接关系SIMILAR ,您必须运行社区检测算法,以便它定义不同的用户组。 You can run it using apoc.algo functions using apoc plugin for neo4j. 您可以使用针对Neo4j的apoc插件使用apoc.algo函数运行它。

CALL apoc.algo.community(25,['User'],'community','SIMILAR','BOTH',1,10000)

Now that you have defined your user groups with community detection algorithm you can simply query what different groups of users like 现在,您已经使用社区检测算法定义了用户组,您只需查询不同的用户组喜欢什么

//You can also set additional filters when matching movies groups liked
MATCH (user:User)-[rel:LIKED]->(m:Movie) where rel.rating > 3.5
RETURN distinct(user.community) as group,collect(m.title) as movies

Know that this is a very simple version of how you can implement this. 知道这是如何实现此功能的非常简单的版本。 I suggest you check out this graphgist and maybe this video . 我建议您检查这个图表专家 ,也许这个视频

Hope this helps 希望这可以帮助

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