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[英]C# Socket double connect?

I was wondering, If i create a socket in C# and connect it to a server, if i create a thread in the program to try and do annother connectino with the server, will the server see 2 connections from the same place or only one? 我想知道,如果我在C#中创建一个套接字并将其连接到服务器,如果我在程序中创建了一个线程来尝试与服务器进行另一个connectino,则服务器会从同一位置看到2个连接还是只有一个?

The code would look something like this (the socket double-connecting): 代码看起来像这样(套接字双重连接):

IPHostEntry ipHostInfo = Dns.GetHostEntry("");
        IPAddress ipAddress = ipHostInfo.AddressList[0];
        IPEndPoint remoteEP = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, 11000);
        Socket sender = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
        sender.ReceiveTimeout = 5000;

and then i would have below this code: 然后我将在下面的代码:

Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(doubleconnect));
public static void doubleconnect()
        catch (Exception ex)

I have this question because, on the first part of the code we connect to the server, but we dont close the connection, so by creating a thread and reconnecting i think the server will see as 2 connection from the same client. 我有这个问题,因为在代码的第一部分中,我们连接到服务器,但是我们没有关闭连接,因此通过创建线程并重新连接,我认为服务器会将同一客户端视为2连接。

So, would the server see this and 2 connection or just one connection? 那么,服务器会看到这两个连接还是一个连接?

Short answer: No. 简短答案:不可以。

You are calling Connect twice on the same Socket . 您在同一Socket上两次调用Connect I looked in the documentation , but it says nothing about its behaviour if you do that, so I reckon two things can happen: 我查看了文档 ,但是如果您这样做,它什么也没有说,因此我认为可能会发生两件事:

  1. You get an exception on the second Connect (probably a SocketException ) 您在第二个Connect上遇到异常(可能是SocketException
  2. Nothing. 没有。 As the socket is already connected, it just falls through the second Connect call. 由于套接字已连接,因此只能通过第二个Connect调用。

But, why not try it out and see what happens? 但是,为什么不尝试一下,看看会发生什么呢?

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