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[英]Many errors during compiling opencv_contrib

I have a trouble - I want to compile opnecv with opencv_contrib. 我遇到了麻烦-我想用opencv_contrib编译opnecv。 I use Visual Studio 2013, last version cmake, opencv and opencv_contrib from github but... suddenly I can't. 我使用的是Visual Studio 2013,最新版本的cmake,opencv和opencv_contrib来自github,但是...突然之间,我不能。

I did it in past, according to this tutorial: http://docs.opencv.org/3.2.0/de/d25/tutorial_dnn_build.html and everything was fine, but now compilator show more than 100 fatal errors. 根据本教程,我以前是这样做的: http : //docs.opencv.org/3.2.0/de/d25/tutorial_dnn_build.html一切都很好,但是现在编译器显示了100多个致命错误。

First and second errors look this: 第一个和第二个错误看起来是这样的:

error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from '__m128i' to '__m128'    
error C2660: '_mm256_insertf128_ps' : function does not take 2 arguments    

The rest are similar to this: 其余与此类似:

error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\opencv_root\build_opencv\modules\core\opencv_core_AVX2.dir\Release\mathfuncs_core.avx2.obj'   

List of my activities: 我的活动清单:

  • download sorce code from github 从github下载源代码
  • run cmake, choose source code, choose destination folder, set path to 'extra modules', generatre 运行cmake,选择源代码,选择目标文件夹,将路径设置为“其他模块”,生成
  • run OpenCV.sln, choose "release", select ALLBUILD, click "build" (like on screen) screen 运行OpenCV.sln,选择“发布”,选择ALLBUILD,单击“生成”(如屏幕) 的屏幕

I tried x32 and x64 version, tried to compile it with and without opencv_contrib modules, but this still won't work. 我尝试了x32和x64版本,尝试在有和没有opencv_contrib模块的情况下进行编译,但这仍然行不通。

Where to find a solution, when I make a mistake? 当我犯错时在哪里找到解决方案? Help, please :) 请帮助 :)

Regards! 问候!

There is an OpenCV 3.2.0 with opencv_contib binary for 64-bit Windows available in github. 在github中有一个适用于64位Windows的带有opencv_contib二进制文件的OpenCV 3.2.0 You can download it from here . 您可以从这里下载。 It's complied with Visual Studio 2015 and requires .Net Framework 4.5 or above that you can download it separately from Microsoft before installing it. 它符合Visual Studio 2015,并且需要.Net Framework 4.5或更高版本,您可以在安装前从Microsoft单独下载它。

Hope this would save your time to get the opencv_contrib and make it works. 希望这可以节省您的时间来获取opencv_contrib并使它工作。

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