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Many errors during compiling opencv_contrib

I have a trouble - I want to compile opnecv with opencv_contrib. I use Visual Studio 2013, last version cmake, opencv and opencv_contrib from github but... suddenly I can't.

I did it in past, according to this tutorial: http://docs.opencv.org/3.2.0/de/d25/tutorial_dnn_build.html and everything was fine, but now compilator show more than 100 fatal errors.

First and second errors look this:

error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from '__m128i' to '__m128'    
error C2660: '_mm256_insertf128_ps' : function does not take 2 arguments    

The rest are similar to this:

error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'C:\opencv_root\build_opencv\modules\core\opencv_core_AVX2.dir\Release\mathfuncs_core.avx2.obj'   

List of my activities:

  • download sorce code from github
  • run cmake, choose source code, choose destination folder, set path to 'extra modules', generatre
  • run OpenCV.sln, choose "release", select ALLBUILD, click "build" (like on screen) screen

I tried x32 and x64 version, tried to compile it with and without opencv_contrib modules, but this still won't work.

Where to find a solution, when I make a mistake? Help, please :)


There is an OpenCV 3.2.0 with opencv_contib binary for 64-bit Windows available in github. You can download it from here . It's complied with Visual Studio 2015 and requires .Net Framework 4.5 or above that you can download it separately from Microsoft before installing it.

Hope this would save your time to get the opencv_contrib and make it works.

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