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[英]Gradient function on R and Python

I was testing a code in R and then I wanted to use a similar code in Python. 我在R中测试代码,然后我想在Python中使用类似的代码。 I have this potential: Z = 1/sqrt(Y^2+X^2+2*d*X+d^2) . 我有这个潜力: Z = 1/sqrt(Y^2+X^2+2*d*X+d^2) I tried to plot it with R using the pracma package like this: 我尝试使用pracma包用R绘制它,如下所示:


range = seq(-15,15,by=1)
mesh = meshgrid(range,range)

X = mesh$X
Y = mesh$Y    
d = 5

# Now I define the potential:
Z = 1/sqrt(Y^2+X^2+2*d*X+d^2)

# Now the gradient:
grX = gradient(Z,range,range)$X
grY = gradient(Z,range,range)$Y

# I wanted the vectors to be normalized so I did this:
grXN = grX/sqrt(grX^2+grY^2)
grYN = grY/sqrt(grX^2+grY^2)

# Finally I draw the vector field:

When I run this code I get this: Quiver in R Which is more or less what I wanted, except it is a bit ugly. 当我运行这段代码时,我得到了这样的结果: R中的Quiver这或多或少是我想要的,除了它有点难看。

Then I made this code in Python like this: 然后我在Python中使用这样的代码:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

rng = np.arange(-15,15,1)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(rng,rng)
d = 5

# Now I define the potential:
Z = 1/np.sqrt(Y**2+X**2+2*d*X+d**2)

# Now the gradient:
grX,grY = np.gradient(Z)

# Since I want the vectors normalized I did this:
grXN = grX/np.sqrt(grX**2+grY**2)
grYN = grY/np.sqrt(grX**2+grY**2)

# In this case I made a different contour:
contor = plt.contourf(X,Y,Z,50)
cbar = plt.colorbar(contor)

# Finally the arrows:
Q = plt.quiver(X,Y,grXN,grYN,color="w",scale=30)

When I run this code I get this: Quiver in Python Which is cute, but totally different from the result obtained from R. Why? 当我运行这段代码时,我得到了这个: Python中的箭头这很可爱,但与从R.获得的结果完全不同。为什么?

Your Python arrows are simply twisted through 90° relative to your R arrows. 你的Python箭头相对于你的R箭头扭曲了90°。 The reason is the difference in convention between numpy and matplotlib when it comes to the order of the dimensions "X" and "Y". 原因是当涉及尺寸“X”和“Y”的顺序时, numpymatplotlib之间的约定差异。 For reasons of (debatable) intuitiveness, matplotlib functions—like those of its mad uncle, Matlab—typically ask for X, then Y, in that order. 出于(有争议的)直觉性的原因, matplotlib函数 - 就像它的疯狂叔叔Matlab那样 - 通常按顺序询问X,然后是Y. Likewise, taking its inspiration from Matlab's well-worn meshgrid function, numpy.meshgrid also adopts that convention, in that its indexing argument defaults to 'xy' . 同样,利用其灵感来自于Matlab的陈腐meshgrid功能, numpy.meshgrid也采用了该公约,在其indexing参数默认为'xy' But I believe numpy.gradient must be following the more usual numpy -esque assumption of 'ij' indexing (and when visualizing arrays, Y is usually the row-to-row 'i' dimension, which in numpy arrays is dimension 0, so then X is usually the column-to-column 'j' dimension, dimension 1). 但我相信numpy.gradient必须遵循更常见的numpy -esque假设'ij'索引(并且在可视化数组时,Y通常是行到行'i'维度,在numpy数组中是维度0,所以然后X通常是列到列'j'维度,维度1)。 Therefore, you should actually be saying: 因此,你应该说:

grY,grX = np.gradient(Z)

instead of 代替

grX,grY = np.gradient(Z)

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