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如何在uwp windows 10中更改Package系列名称

[英]How can i change the Package family name in uwp windows 10

I want to change the key mentioned in fig., when i change the certificate file it changes to the another temporary key, and the publisher folder is creating with this key as name. 我想更改图中提到的密钥,当我更改证书文件时,它将更改为另一个临时密钥,并且发布者文件夹正在使用此密钥作为名称进行创建。 but i want it as a meaningful name. 但我希望它是一个有意义的名字。 is it possible.? 可能吗。? if anybody knows, please help me. 如果有人知道,请帮助我。


Together, these elements declare the identity of your app, establishing the "package family" to which all of its packages belong. 这些元素一起声明了应用程序的标识,建立了所有软件包所属的“软件包系列”。 Individual packages will have additional details, such as architecture and version. 单个包将具有其他详细信息,例如体系结构和版本。


The package family name is the combination of YourProjectName and TemporaryKey . 包系列名称是YourProjectNameTemporaryKey的组合。 And the Temporaraykey is a hash value of the Publisher . TemporaraykeyPublisher的哈希值。 PFN(Package family name) gets automatically populated as a combination of Package name and the Temporarykey . PFN(包系列名称)将自动填充为Package nameTemporarykey的组合。 It just changes with the value of Publisher changing. 它只是随着Publisher更改的值而变化。 But it will always be a hash value not a meaningful name. 但它始终是一个哈希值而不是一个有意义的名称。

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