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[英]How can I manually package a UWP app for submission to the Windows Store?

I would like to build a UWP app that I can upload to the Windows Store, without relying on Visual Studio connecting to the Store directly. 我想构建一个可以上传到Windows应用商店的UWP应用,而不必依赖于直接连接到应用商店的Visual Studio。

I'm struggling to get the connection working, as detailed here: 我正在努力使连接正常工作,如下所示:

How can I get Visual Studio to connect to the Windows Store? 如何使Visual Studio连接到Windows应用商店?

and would like to take that connection out of the equation. 并希望将这种联系排除在外。

Is there any description of what exactly needs to be in an .appxupload file for it to pass validation on the Store, and what tools can assist in building it? .appxupload文件中要在商店上通过验证的确切要求是什么,有哪些工具可以帮助构建它?

I understand that it's a zip file containing symbol files and app packages for required architectures, but I'm unsure whether it needs to be code signed, populated with Windows Store metadata and so on. 我知道这是一个zip文件,其中包含所需体系结构的符号文件和应用程序包,但是我不确定是否需要对其进行代码签名,使用Windows Store元数据填充等等。

In particular, hand assembled packages that I've tried to submit so far have failed validation as follows: 特别是,到目前为止,我尝试提交的手工组装的软件包的验证失败,如下所示:

Depending whether I have selected Compile with .NET Native tool chain or not, the Windows store validation tells me either: 根据我是否选择了“使用.NET Native进行编译”工具链,Windows存储验证会告诉我:

You cannot submit pre-compiled .NET Native packages or This package wasn't built for submission to the Store. Make sure you're uploading a Release build with the .NET Native tool chain enabled. You cannot submit pre-compiled .NET Native packages或者This package wasn't built for submission to the Store. Make sure you're uploading a Release build with the .NET Native tool chain enabled. This package wasn't built for submission to the Store. Make sure you're uploading a Release build with the .NET Native tool chain enabled.

My current understanding is that .NET Native is some intermediate representation quite far down the compilation pipeline, but not yet generated into architecture specific instructions, but I can't tell from this pair of errors whether it's the required submission format or not. 我目前的理解是,.NET Native是一种非常中间的表示形式,位于编译管道的下游,但尚未生成到特定于体系结构的指令中,但是从这对错误中我无法确定它是否是必需的提交格式。

From the error I am guessing you are packaging a UWP with a fulltrust extension component, so you have both UWP .NET components as well as standard desktop .NET components. 从错误中,我猜您正在将UWP与Fulltrust扩展组件打包在一起,因此您既拥有UWP .NET组件,又拥有标准的桌面.NET组件。

For this type of project you need to use the VS Packaging Project in order to create the .appxupload file: 对于此类项目,您需要使用VS Packaging Project来创建.appxupload文件:

https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2017/12/04/extend-desktop-application-windows-10-features-using-new-visual-studio-application-packaging-project/#68e4hhVQHLo267pE.97 https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2017/12/04/extend-desktop-application-windows-10-features-using-new-visual-studio-application-packaging-project/#68e4hhVQHLo267pE.97

Also some additional info in this blog post: https://stefanwick.com/2018/04/29/uwp-with-desktop-extension-part-4/ 在此博客文章中还有一些其他信息: https : //stefanwick.com/2018/04/29/uwp-with-desktop-extension-part-4/

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