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Facebook Live API没有宣布视频

[英]Facebook Live API Not Announcing Videos

Using Graph I've created a page in PHP to automatically create "scheduled" live videos for our page. 使用Graph我在PHP中创建了一个页面,为我们的页面自动创建“预定的”实时视频。 I have permissions correct, at least according to their documentation ( publish_actions, manage_pages, publish_pages, public_profile ). 我的权限是正确的,至少根据他们的文档( publish_actions, manage_pages, publish_pages, public_profile )。

I have followed the documentation located here . 我已经按照这里的文档。 It creates the "scheduled" live video correctly. 它可以正确创建“预定”的实时视频。 The video shows up under publishing tools in my pages manager as well. 该视频也显示在我的网页管理器中的发布工具下。 But the announcement on the page isn't there, it should be. 但是页面上的公告不存在,应该是。

If I follow the normal procedure to create a scheduled live video from publisher tools, it schedules, then creates the announcement on my page timeline. 如果我按照正常程序从发布商工具创建预定的实时视频,则会进行计划,然后在我的页面时间轴上创建公告。

These are the key/value pairs I am sending: 这些是我发送的键/值对:

$params = array(
    'access_token' => '{HIDDEN}',
    'planned_start_time' => $startTime,
    'status' => 'SCHEDULED_UNPUBLISHED',
    'title' => $dateTitle

And I am posting to /{PAGE_ID}/live_videos as per the documentation, using their SDK for PHP. 我根据文档发布到/{PAGE_ID}/live_videos ,使用他们的SDK for PHP。

The code has to be correct that I am sending since it creates the scheduled video in the publisher tools, and no permission errors or other are returned to me. 我发送的代码必须正确,因为它在发布者工具中创建了预定的视频,并且没有任何权限错误或其他内容返回给我。 It returns a video ID actually, so I know that part works. 它实际上返回一个视频ID,所以我知道该部分有效。

If I query, in the graph explorer, my pages live_videos feed, I get all videos I have streamed correctly, and at the top my newest one with the status SCHEDULED_UNPUBLISHED . 如果我在图表资源管理器中查询我的网页live_videos feed,我会获得正确流式传输的所有视频,并在顶部创建状态为SCHEDULED_UNPUBLISHED最新视频。 This status is the same as all the other videos published from publisher tools. 此状态与发布商工具发布的所有其他视频相同。

So to summarize, it creates the video fine, I have even tried streaming to the stream url, it works. 总而言之,它创建视频很好,我甚至尝试流式传输到流URL,它的工作原理。 I can even view the video afterward. 我甚至可以在以后观看视频。 But it won't publish a scheduled video announcement to my timeline via the API, only the publisher tools page. 但它不会通过API(仅发布者工具页面)向我的时间轴发布预定的视频通知。


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