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Facebook Live API Not Announcing Videos

Using Graph I've created a page in PHP to automatically create "scheduled" live videos for our page. I have permissions correct, at least according to their documentation ( publish_actions, manage_pages, publish_pages, public_profile ).

I have followed the documentation located here . It creates the "scheduled" live video correctly. The video shows up under publishing tools in my pages manager as well. But the announcement on the page isn't there, it should be.

If I follow the normal procedure to create a scheduled live video from publisher tools, it schedules, then creates the announcement on my page timeline.

These are the key/value pairs I am sending:

$params = array(
    'access_token' => '{HIDDEN}',
    'planned_start_time' => $startTime,
    'status' => 'SCHEDULED_UNPUBLISHED',
    'title' => $dateTitle

And I am posting to /{PAGE_ID}/live_videos as per the documentation, using their SDK for PHP.

The code has to be correct that I am sending since it creates the scheduled video in the publisher tools, and no permission errors or other are returned to me. It returns a video ID actually, so I know that part works.

If I query, in the graph explorer, my pages live_videos feed, I get all videos I have streamed correctly, and at the top my newest one with the status SCHEDULED_UNPUBLISHED . This status is the same as all the other videos published from publisher tools.

So to summarize, it creates the video fine, I have even tried streaming to the stream url, it works. I can even view the video afterward. But it won't publish a scheduled video announcement to my timeline via the API, only the publisher tools page.


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