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[英]dynamically allocated 2d array in C

I need some clarity in creating a 2d array for characters. 在为字符创建2d数组时需要一些清晰度。 I know this that 我知道

char *str="hellowww";//here its a constant string

str can point to "hellowwww" string, without any memory allocation. str可以指向“ hellowwww”字符串,而不分配任何内存。 so 所以

char *str[5]

should be able to do same for each element. 应该能够对每个元素执行相同的操作。 So if that is the case, 所以如果是这样,

1) Is char *str[5] is a 2d character array? 1)char * str [5]是2D字符数组吗?

2) When do we need to use malloc and free in this case? 2)在这种情况下,什么时候需要使用malloc和free?

3) I know I can create a loop for malloc as we do in 2d integer array, but is there a point? 3)我知道我可以像在2d整数数组中那样为malloc创建一个循环,但是有一点吗?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void)
char *arr[6];
int i, j;

arr[0] = "hurr1";
arr[1] = "hurr2";
arr[2] = "hurr3";
arr[3] = "hurr4";
arr[4] = "hurr5";
arr[5] = "hurr6";

for(i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    for(j = 0; j<strlen(arr[i])+1;j++)
        printf("%c", arr[i][j]);


Above program just works without any malloc or free, and I can access each character. 上面的程序无需任何malloc或free就可以工作,并且我可以访问每个字符。

char *str;

allocates enough bytes for a pointer, which it expects at some later time will be filled in with the address of a character (probably the first of a sequence, and possibly by allocating memory dynamically). 为一个指针分配足够的字节,它希望在以后的某个时间用一个字符的地址填充(可能是序列的第一个,并且可能通过动态分配内存)。

char *str = "hello";

allocates the pointer, and also allocates a 6-byte buffer (possibly in read-only memory) for the string "hello" and its terminating 0 byte, and make the pointer point to it. 分配指针,还为字符串“ hello”及其终止的0字节分配6字节的缓冲区(可能在只读存储器中),并使指针指向它。

I don't know what you mean "without any memory allocation". 我不知道您的意思是“没有任何内存分配”。

char *str[5];

Allocates a block of memory for five consecutive pointers, which it expects will be filled in at some later time. 为五个连续的指针分配一个内存块,它预期将在以后的某个时间填充。 Is this a 2d array? 这是二维数组吗? No, although if you happen to assign each of the pointers the address of a sequence of characters, str[x][y] will access the y th character of the x th string, making it look like a 2d array. 否,尽管如果您恰巧为每个指针分配了一个字符序列的地址, str[x][y]将访问第x个字符串的第y个字符,使其看起来像2d数组。

 char *str[5] 

should be able to do same for each element 应该能够对每个元素执行相同的操作

That is absolutely correct: each of the five elements of str can point to a string. 这是绝对正确的: str的五个元素中的每一个都可以指向一个字符串。

  1. Is char *str[5] is a 2d character array? char *str[5]是2D字符数组吗?

No. It is a one-dimension array of character pointers. 否。它是一维字符指针数组。 You can treat it as a 2d array, but you have flexibility to not have some dimensions filled in if you wish. 您可以将其视为2D数组,但是可以灵活选择是否填写某些尺寸。

  1. When do we need to use malloc and free in this case? 在这种情况下,何时需要使用malloc和free?

It depends on what you would like to put into elements of str[5] , and whether or not you'd like to modify these things. 这取决于您要在str[5]元素中添加什么,以及是否要修改这些内容。 If you put string literals in all five elements, you don't need malloc at all, but the strings you have would not allow modifications. 如果将字符串文字放在所有五个元素中,则根本不需要malloc ,但是拥有的字符串将不允许修改。

  1. I know I can create a loop for malloc as we do in 2d integer array, but is there a point? 我知道我可以像在2d整数数组中那样为malloc创建一个循环,但是有一点吗?

Again, this depends on what you are trying to achieve. 同样,这取决于您要实现的目标。 You can have a loop that allocates memory dynamically, you could use string literals, use pointers to statically allocated modifiable strings, and anything else that you can do with a character pointer. 您可以使用一个循环来动态分配内存,可以使用字符串文字,使用指针来静态分配可修改的字符串,以及可以使用字符指针进行的其他操作。

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