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[英]Regex to remove special characters from a string

I'm trying to write a regex that only allows letters, numbers, single white spaces, '-' literal, and '/' literal.我正在尝试编写一个只允许字母、数字、单个空格、 '-'字面量和'/'字面量的正则表达式。 How do I limit my expression to only these?我如何将我的表达限制在这些?

If I enter "This should be invalid because it ends with!!! these" , it is still returned as a valid string, even though there's an exclamation at the end.如果我输入"This should be invalid because it ends with!!! these" ,它仍然作为有效字符串返回,即使末尾有一个感叹号。
The one I have is not entirely correct:我所拥有的并不完全正确:


The problem here is that, by default, regular expressions do not have to match the entire string.这里的问题是,默认情况下,正则表达式不必匹配整个字符串。 One character is sufficient to constitute a match (and sometimes even none)!一个字符就足以构成匹配(有时甚至没有)! You need to surround your regex like ^(?: ... )+$ to make it work as you want:您需要像^(?: ... )+$一样包围您的正则表达式,使其按您的意愿工作:

 console.log([ 'This should be invalid because it ends with!!! these', //=> false 'This is valid' //=> true ].map(/ /.test, /^(?:[AZ]|[az]|[0-9]|\\/|\\s|-)+$/ ))

However, a more compact way to write the same expression would be ^[A-Za-z\\d\\s\\/-]+$ .但是,编写相同表达式的更紧凑的方法是^[A-Za-z\\d\\s\\/-]+$

 console.log([ 'This should be invalid because it ends with!!! these', //=> false 'This is valid' //=> true ].map(/ /.test, /^[A-Za-z\\d\\s\\/-]+$/ ))

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