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[英]PostgreSQL database not available through Navicat

I'm new to Postgres, not to SQL. 我是Postgres的新手,而不是SQL。 I generally use Navicat to connect to my databases, so I've set up a connection to a remote Postgres DB the same way I normally would. 我通常使用Navicat连接到我的数据库,因此我按照通常的方式设置了与远程Postgres DB的连接。 I'm able to: 我能够:

  • Connect successfully 连接成功
  • List databases 列出数据库

When I click on the database with my tables, however, it expands the database but doesn't show anything. 但是,当我使用我的表单击数据库时,它会扩展数据库但不显示任何内容。 No tables. 没有桌子。

I saw the other question here, where a user was trying to get into 'template0' and 'template1': Some PostgreSQL databases not visible through clients like Navicat or pgAdmin 我在这里看到了另一个问题,用户试图进入'template0'和'template1': 一些PostgreSQL数据库通过Navicat或pgAdmin等客户端无法看到

I'm not trying to get into these, but into a custom DB full of tables. 我不是想进入这些,而是​​进入一个充满桌子的自定义数据库。 I've verified that both my web app, and phpPgAdmin can both access all the tables and data, so the issue seems to lie with Navicat. 我已经验证我的网络应用程序和phpPgAdmin都可以访问所有表格和数据,因此问题似乎在于Navicat。

I read some instructions about how these tables might be 'system items', and went into the Navicat preferences and checked the box that says 'Show system items (PostgreSQL, SQL Server)' to no avail. 我阅读了一些关于这些表可能是“系统项”的说明,然后进入Navicat首选项并选中“显示系统项(PostgreSQL,SQL Server)”框,但无效。

One thing I also tried, as I'm using Navicat Premium, is to install the Navicat PostgreSQL version instead. 我尝试使用Navicat Premium的一件事就是安装Navicat PostgreSQL版本。 This also yields exactly the same results, I can see my database but none of the tables. 这也产生完全相同的结果,我可以看到我的数据库,但没有一个表。

What's going on here? 这里发生了什么?


With some great help from Vao Tsun, we determined that this is PostgreSQL 7.2.4 and that it is not supported by Navicat. 在Vao Tsun的帮助下,我们确定这是PostgreSQL 7.2.4并且Navicat不支持它。

https://www.navicat.com/products/navicat-for-postgresql : https://www.navicat.com/products/navicat-for-postgresql

Navicat for PostgreSQL connects you to any local/remote PostgreSQL database servers from version 7.3 or above. Navicat for PostgreSQL将您连接到7.3或更高版本的任何本地/远程PostgreSQL数据库服务器。

It does not work with PostgreSQL 7.2.4 它不适用于PostgreSQL 7.2.4

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