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[英]CSV file writing, need to write specific lines to new csv file

I have to write a code that takes a csv file and extracts data related to passenger data from the titanic. 我必须编写一个代码,使用一个csv文件,并从泰坦尼克号中提取与乘客数据有关的数据。 I need to take from this file and write a new file that contains the passengers in third class that survived (only this) and the header. 我需要从该文件中读取并编写一个新文件,其中包含幸存的三等舱乘客(仅此文件)和标题。

I have provided my code(in text) I have written so far. 我已经提供了到目前为止编写的代码(文本)。 It works for the test case (it print the #5), but my target_data_file is empty I believe? 它适用于测试用例(它显示#5),但是我相信我的target_data_file是空的吗?

I am looking on how to write these specific lines into my target_data_file . 我正在研究如何将这些特定的行写入到我的target_data_file I am thinking it should be something along the lines of a for loop with if survived == str(1) and pclass == str(3) , write to Target_data_file . 我认为这应该与for循环类似,如果survived == str(1) and pclass == str(3) ,则写入Target_data_file

Not sure though! 虽然不确定!

Thanks! 谢谢!

import csv
from copy import deepcopy

def third_survived(source_data_file, target_data_file):
    """(str, str) -> int
    Input: Source data is the name of a .csv file containing a subset of the 
    Titanic passenger data, and target_data, the name of a new csv file to be 
    Output: This function will create a new .csv file named target_data_file and 
    write in it the lines from source_data_file that correspond to the third class 
    passengers who survived the sinking. The function returns the number of lines 
    written to target_data_file.

    >>>third_survived('titanic_some.csv', 'titanic_target.csv')

    with open (str(source_data_file), 'r') as file:
        for row in data_reader:

    count= 0
    for elements in range(1,len(data_orig)):
        if survived == str(1) and pclass == str(3):
            count +=1

    with open(str(target_data_file), 'w') as newfile:

        if count == 0:
            return data_orig[0]
            return count

You could write into the target_data_file along with the counting loop (and you don't need the data_orig list). 您可以连同计数循环一起写入target_data_file (并且不需要data_orig列表)。 That is: 那是:

def third_survived(source_data_file, target_data_file):
    count= 0
    with open (str(source_data_file), 'r') as file:
        with open(str(target_data_file), 'w') as newfile:
            for row in data_reader:
                survived=row [1]
                pclass=row [2]
                if survived == "1" and pclass == "3":
                    count +=1

    return count

If you are still keen to return the first row if the count is zero (contradicting your documentation) - you could add 如果您仍然希望在count为零(与您的文档相反)的情况下返回第一行,则可以添加

first_row = None

right before the definition of count , and in each iteration check 就在count定义之前,并且在每次迭代检查中

if first_row is None:
    first_row = row

And in the end return 最后归还

if count == 0:
    return first_row
return count

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