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当我的开发操作系统为Windows 10 Home时,如何在Windows 10 Mobile上测试UWP应用?

[英]How can I test my UWP app on Windows 10 Mobile when my dev OS is Windows 10 Home?

I want you to think creatively on this question. 我希望您创造性地思考这个问题。

I'm running Windows 10 Home edition, which as you know do not have Hyper-V and thus cannot run the Windows Phone 10 Emulator. 我正在运行Windows 10家庭版,如您所知,它没有Hyper-V,因此无法运行Windows Phone 10模拟器。 I don't have a physical Windows 10 phone. 我没有实际的Windows 10手机。 How can I, for the minimum cost, test and preferrably debug my UWP app on a Windows Phone 10 emulator? 如何以最低的成本在Windows Phone 10模拟器上测试并最好调试我的UWP应用?

I tried setting up Windows 2017 Server + Visual Studio 2017 Community on an Amazon EC2 instance, and after a couple of hour of configuring I'm met with 我尝试在Amazon EC2实例上设置Windows 2017 Server + Visual Studio 2017社区,经过几个小时的配置后,

Editing this project is not supported on a server operating system. Please use a Windows 10 client to continue development of your Universal Windows app project.

..so that was a dead end. ..所以那是一个死胡同。 Other suggestions? 还有其他建议吗?

You will have to upgrade to Windows 10 Pro (or Enterprise) to have access to Hyper-V and be able to run the Windows Phone 10 emulator (or get an actual phone device). 您将必须升级到Windows 10 Pro(或企业版)才能访问Hyper-V,并且能够运行Windows Phone 10模拟器(或获取实际的电话设备)。 In my opinion, upgrading your Home license to Pro will probably be the cheapest solution long term anyway. 我认为,从长期来看,将您的家庭许可证升级到Pro可能是最便宜的解决方案。

A copy of Windows 10 Home will run $119, while Windows 10 Pro will cost $199. Windows 10 Home的价格为119美元,Windows 10 Pro的价格为199美元。 For those who wish to upgrade from the Home edition to the Pro edition, a Windows 10 Pro Pack will cost $99. 对于那些希望从家庭版升级到专业版的用户,Windows 10 Pro Pack的价格为99美元。

Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/microsoft-prices-single-windows-10-licenses-at-119-for-home-199-for-pro/ 来源: https : //www.cnet.com/news/microsoft-prices-single-windows-10-licenses-at-119-for-home-199-for-pro/

You can NOT run a Windows Phone 10 emulator on Amazon/Azure since they use virtualized machines and they don't provide nested virtualization. 您不能在Amazon / Azure上运行Windows Phone 10模拟器,因为它们使用虚拟机并且不提供嵌套虚拟化。 You can make a Windows 10 VM on Azure for developer purposes, but you won't be able to run the phone emulator. 您可以出于开发人员的目的在Azure上制作Windows 10 VM,但是将无法运行电话模拟器。


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