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在我所有的浏览器中 Windows 10 更新 2004 后奇怪的本地主机证书问题! 我怎样才能解决这个问题?

[英]Weird localhost certificate problem after windows 10 update 2004 in all of my browsers! How can I fix this?

I'm working on my project with SSL-enabled in Visual Studio 2019 16.7.3, everything was ok;我正在使用在 Visual Studio 2019 16.7.3 中启用 SSL 的项目,一切正常; Yesterday I updated my Windows 10 to version 2004 build 19041.508 and after that, any projects with localhost certificate goes wrong!昨天我将我的 Windows 10 更新到版本 2004 build 19041.508 之后,任何带有 localhost 证书的项目都会出错! I created a project with default asp.net core template and it has the same error.我用默认的 asp.net 核心模板创建了一个项目,它有同样的错误。

Testing with Google Chrome v85, Firefox v80, Edge, IE, Brave.使用 Google Chrome v85、Firefox v80、Edge、IE、Brave 进行测试。

I tried some ways in SO and other links found in google, but nothing could fix my problem!我在SO和谷歌中找到的其他链接中尝试了一些方法,但没有什么能解决我的问题! Some of them are :他们之中有一些是 :

  • Deleting ".vs" hidden folder and obj folder删除“.vs”隐藏文件夹和obj文件夹
  • Clearing all localhost certificates in my computer (UserCertificates, ComputerCertificates) and generating again (VS prompts to create it)清除我计算机中的所有 localhost 证书(UserCertificates、ComputerCertificates)并再次生成(VS 提示创建它)
  • Disabling my Internet Security features (to don't intercept any HTTPS connections!)禁用我的 Internet 安全功能(不拦截任何 HTTPS 连接!)
  • Uninstalling the VS and installing again卸载VS并重新安装
  • netsh winsock reset netsh winsock 重置
  • Testing with Kestrel and IIS Express使用 Kestrel 和 IIS Express 进行测试
  • And some other ways...还有其他一些方法...

在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

BTW, I can't find any error details or logs for this.顺便说一句,我找不到任何错误详细信息或日志。

I had the exact issue and was about to attempt reinstalling VS2019 out of desperation.我遇到了确切的问题,迫不及待地想尝试重新安装 VS2019。 A colleague of mine suggested to repair the VS installation instead, which I did.我的一位同事建议改为修复 VS 安装,我做到了。 Then after building and starting one of my projects, I was prompted with this:然后在构建并启动我的一个项目后,我收到了以下提示:


After clicking yes, I got another dialog asking me to accept the self signed certificate from IISExpress.单击“是”后,出现另一个对话框,要求我接受来自 IISExpress 的自签名证书。 And then everything went back to normal for me.然后对我来说一切都恢复正常了。

But if this doesn't work, another workaround I can suggest is to get your solution running in VS code.但是,如果这不起作用,我建议的另一种解决方法是让您的解决方案在 VS 代码中运行。 It worked for me but not with all my projects.它对我有用,但不适用于我的所有项目。

It turned out that Kaspersky was responsible for this: I upgraded my Kaspersky to a new version ( and now my problem is fixed原来卡巴斯基对此负责:我将我的卡巴斯基升级到了新版本(,现在我的问题得到了解决

Kaspersky SSL issue on localhost 本地主机上的卡巴斯基 SSL 问题

run as admin CMD or PowerShell then go to C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IIS Express address with cd Command Prompt then write this command:以管理员 CMD 或 PowerShell 身份运行,然后使用 cd 命令提示符转到 C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IIS Express 地址,然后编写以下命令:

PS C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express> ./IisExpressAdminCmd.exe setupsslUrl -url:https://localhost:"Your port number for ssl"/ -UseSelfSigned

then rebuild and run your project.然后重建并运行您的项目。

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