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PHP PSR-7响应,获取文件MIME类型

[英]Php PSR-7 response, get file mime-type

I've got a $response variable, which implements Psr\\Http\\Message\\ResponseInterface . 我有一个$response变量,该变量实现Psr\\Http\\Message\\ResponseInterface

It contains info about downloaded file. 它包含有关下载文件的信息。 How can I get mime-type of this file? 如何获得此文件的mime类型?

Since ResponseInterface extends MessageInterface , you can use the getHeader($name) or getHeaderLine($name) method to retrieve the value of the Content-Type response header. 由于ResponseInterface扩展了MessageInterface ,因此可以使用getHeader($name)getHeaderLine($name)方法检索Content-Type响应头的值。 For example... 例如...

$mimeType = $response->getHeaderLine('Content-Type');

Note: I used getHeaderLine as it's unlikely the Content-Type header will contain more than one value and this will save you treating the return value as a single-item array. 注意:我使用了getHeaderLine因为Content-Type标头不太可能包含多个值,这可以避免将返回值视为单项数组。

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