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[英]Flip X and Y axis on Excel custom chart

I've made a chart with Excel 2010's "Combo" option for chart type so I can plot two data series for the same depth points. 我已经使用Excel 2010的“组合”选项制作了图表类型,以便可以为相同的深度点绘制两个数据系列。 The image below shows the default, which is very close to what I want - except I would like to have the axes flipped so that the current X axis, which is depth, is displayed as the Y axis and both primary and secondary current Y axes plot as X axes. 下图显示了默认设置,该设置非常接近我想要的默认设置-除了我希望翻转轴,以便将当前X轴(即深度)显示为Y轴,并将当前和次要的Y轴显示为绘制为X轴。 In other words, I'd like to rotate the chart area by 90 degrees clockwise. 换句话说,我想将图表区域顺时针旋转90度。 The "Switch Row/Column" doesn't do what I want (or expect) and I'm running out of both ideas and patience. “切换行/列”没有满足我的期望(或期望),并且我的想法和耐心都用光了。 Is there an easy fix? 有简单的解决方法吗? Or a hard fix? 还是硬性解决?

Here's the plot as-is: 这是原样的情节: 在此处输入图片说明

And here's a dummy plot of the end goal made by rotating the image around in Paint, in case the picture makes it clearer: 这是通过在Paint中旋转图像来制作最终目标的虚拟图,以防图片变得更清晰:


Finally, as was pointed out in the comments, the whole thing looks goofy and might be better plotted as a bar graph with two bars. 最后,正如评论中所指出的那样,整件事情看起来很愚蠢,可以更好地绘制为带有两个条形图的条形图。 I tried this as well and came away almost all set - but the gray bars plot from left to right and the blue bars plot from right to left. 我也尝试过此方法,并且几乎消除了所有设置-但是灰色条形从左到右,蓝色条形从右到左。 Seems like it should be as simple as changing the "Plot Series On" option to Primary Axis for both, but this destroys the graph. 似乎应该像将“ Plot Series On”选项都更改为“ Primary Axis”一样简单,但这会破坏图形。


我环顾四周,我认为此链接提供了您所需要的说明: https : //superuser.com/questions/188064/excel-chart-with-two-x-axes-horizo​​ntal-possible

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