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[英]C# UWP app error: “'InkStroke' does not contain a definition for 'StrokeStartedTime'”

I am making a UWP app in C# in Visual Studios 2015, that supports Windows v10.0.10240. 我正在Visual Studios 2015中的C#中制作支持Windows v10.0.10240的UWP应用。 However, when I try to access the StrokeStartedTime of the InkStroke class, I get the error listed in the title. 但是,当我尝试访问InkStroke类的StrokeStartedTime时,出现标题中列出的错误。

The StrokeStartedTime property is a newly added API that updated by Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 15003 Released . StrokeStartedTime属性是Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 15003 Released中更新的新添加的API。 You may require Visual Studio 2017 or higher and the UWP app need target " Windows 10 Creators Update (10.0; Build 15063) " or higher. 您可能需要Visual Studio 2017或更高版本,并且UWP应用需要目标为“ Windows 10 Creators Update(10.0; Build 15063) ”或更高版本。 More details please see section API Updates and Additions of the above release document. 更多详细信息,请参见上述发行文档的“ API更新和增补 ”部分。

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