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pandas Dataframe:根据其他列创建新的标签列

[英]pandas Dataframe: create new columns of labels based on other columns

I have this example pandas.DataFrame with +20K rows, in the following form: 我有这个带有+ 20K行的pandas.DataFrame示例,格式如下:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data = {"first_column": ["A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "A", "A", "A", "D", "B", "A", "A"],
        "second_column": [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

>>> df
   first_column  second_column
0             A              0
1             B              1
2             B              1
3             B              1
4             C              0
5             A              0
6             A              0
7             A              1
8             D              1
9             B              1
10            A              1
11            A              0

The column first_column has for each row A , B , C , and D . first_column包含每一行ABCD In the second column, there is a binary label denoting a group of values. 在第二列中,有一个表示一组值的二进制标签。 All consecutive groupings of 1's are a unique "group", eg rows 1-3 is one group, rows 7-10 is another group. 1的所有连续分组是唯一的“组”,例如,行1-3是一组,行7-10是另一组。

I would like to "label" each one of these groups by being either "AB" (the group is only composed of A or B), "CD" (the group is only composed of C or D), or "mixed" (if there is a mixture, eg all B and one C). 我想通过“AB”(该组仅由A或B组成),“CD”(该组仅由C或D组成)或“混合”(“组合”来标记这些组中的每一组。如果有混合物,例如所有B和一个C)。 It would also be useful to know "how" mixed some of these groupings are with a percentage, ie the percentage of AB's out of total labels. 知道“如何”混合这些分组中的一些百分比,即AB在总标签中的百分比也是有用的。 So, if it is only A or B , the identity should be AB . 因此,如果它只是AB ,则标识应为AB If it is only C or D , the identity should be CD . 如果它只是CD ,则标识应为CD It is a mixture of A,B,C, and/or D, then it is mixed . 它是A,B,C和/或D的混合物,然后mixed The percentage is (# of AB rows)/(# of total rows) 百分比是(AB行数#)/(总行数#)

Here is how the resulting DataFrame would look: 以下是生成的DataFrame外观:

>>> df
   first_column  second_column    identity    percent
0             A              0           0          0
1             B              1          AB        1.0
2             B              1          AB        1.0
3             B              1          AB        1.0
4             C              0           0          0
5             A              0           0          0
6             A              0           0          0
7             A              1       mixed       0.75  # 3/4, 3-AB, 4-total
8             D              1       mixed       0.75
9             B              1       mixed       0.75
10            A              1       mixed       0.75
11            A              0           0          0 

My initial thought would be to first try to use df.loc() with 我最初的想法是首先尝试使用df.loc()

if (df.first_column == "A" | df.first_column == "B"):
    df.loc[df.second_column == 1, "identity"] = "AB"
if (df.first_column == "C" | df.first_column == "D"):
    df.loc[df.second_column == 1, "identity"] = "CD"

but this doesn't take into account mixtures, nor does it work with isolated groupings. 但这并未考虑混合物,也不适用于孤立的分组。

Here is one way to do that. 这是一种方法。

Code: 码:

import pandas as pd

from collections import Counter
a_b = set('AB')
c_d = set('CD')

def get_id_percent(group):
    present = Counter(group['first_column'])
    present_set = set(present.keys())

    if group['second_column'].iloc[0] == 0:
        ret_val = 0, 0
    elif present_set.issubset(a_b) and len(present_set) == 1:
        ret_val = 'AB', 0
    elif present_set.issubset(c_d) and len(present_set) == 1:
        ret_val = 'CD', 0
        ret_val = 'mixed', \
               float(present['A'] + present['B']) / len(group)

    return pd.DataFrame(
        [ret_val] * len(group), columns=['identity', 'percent'])

Test Code: 测试代码:

data = {"first_column": ["A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "A", "A",
                         "A", "D", "B", "A", "A"],
        "second_column": [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

groupby = df.groupby((df.second_column != df.second_column.shift()).cumsum())

results = groupby.apply(get_id_percent).reset_index()
results = results.drop(['second_column', 'level_1'], axis=1)
df = pd.concat([df, results], axis=1)

Results: 结果:

   first_column  second_column identity  percent
0             A              0        0     0.00
1             B              1       AB     0.00
2             B              1       AB     0.00
3             B              1       AB     0.00
4             C              0        0     0.00
5             A              0        0     0.00
6             A              0        0     0.00
7             A              1    mixed     0.75
8             D              1    mixed     0.75
9             B              1    mixed     0.75
10            A              1    mixed     0.75
11            A              0        0     0.00

Here's one approach: 这是一种方法:

import pandas as pd

# generate example data
data = {"first_column": ["A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "A", "A", "A", "D", "B", "A", "A"],
    "second_column": [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# these are intermediary groups for computation
df['group_type'] = None
df['ct'] = 0

def find_border(x, ct):
    ''' finds and labels lettered groups ''' 
    ix = x.name
    # does second_column == 1?
    if x.second_column:
        # if it's the start of a group...
        if (not ix) | (not df.group_type[ix-1]):
            df.ix[ix,'group_type'] = x.first_column
            df.ix[ix,'ct'] += 1
        # if it's the end of a group
        elif (not df.second_column[ix+1]):
                df.ix[ix,'group_type'] = df.group_type[ix-1] + x.first_column
                df.ix[ix,'ct'] = df.ct[ix-1] + 1
                for i in range(df.ct[ix-1]+1):
                    df.ix[ix-i,'group_type'] = df.ix[ix,'group_type']
                df.ix[ix,'ct'] = 0
        # if it's the middle of a group
            df.ix[ix,'ct'] = df.ct[ix-1] + 1
            df.ix[ix,'group_type'] = df.group_type[ix-1] + x.first_column

# compute group membership
_=df.apply(find_border, axis='columns', args=(0,))

def determine_id(x):
    if not x:
        return '0'
    if list(set(x)) in [['A'],['B'],['A','B']]:
        return 'AB'
    elif list(set(x)) in [['C'],['D'],['C','D']]:
        return 'CD'
        return 'mixed'

def determine_pct(x):
    if not x:
        return 0
    return sum([1 for letter in x if letter in ['A','B']]) / float(len(x))

# determine row identity
df['identity'] = df.group_type.apply(determine_id)

# determine % of A or B in group
df['percent'] = df.group_type.apply(determine_pct)

Output: 输出:

   first_column  second_column identity  percent
0             A              0        0     0.00
1             B              1       AB     1.00
2             B              1       AB     1.00
3             B              1       AB     1.00
4             C              0        0     0.00
5             A              0        0     0.00
6             A              0        0     0.00
7             A              1    mixed     0.75
8             D              1    mixed     0.75
9             B              1    mixed     0.75
10            A              1    mixed     0.75    
11            A              0        0     0.00

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