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[英]move Sprite only on x-axis

I am working with Ray Wenderlich's 2D Game Development Book and I make use of a function out of this book to control the movement of a sprite, here called 'passenger'. 我正在与雷·温德利希(Ray Wenderlich)的2D游戏开发手册一起工作,并且利用本书中的功能来控制精灵的移动,此处称为“乘客”。 The example in the book is moving the sprite on ax and y axis, where as I only would need to move the sprite along the x axis, but I can not get it working. 书中的示例是将精灵沿x和y轴移动,因为我只需要沿x轴移动精灵,但我无法使其工作。

Here is 'my' code - well the code I am using 这是“我的”代码-我正在使用的代码

    func move(sprite: SKSpriteNode, velocity: CGPoint){        
    let amountToMove = CGPoint(x: velocity.x * CGFloat(dt),
                               y: velocity.y * CGFloat(dt))
    sprite.position = CGPoint(
        x: sprite.position.x + amountToMove.x,
        y: sprite.position.y + amountToMove.y)

func movePassengerToward(location: CGPoint) {        
    let offset = CGPoint(x: location.x - passenger.position.x, y: location.y - passenger.position.y)
    let length = sqrt(Double(offset.x * offset.x + offset.y * offset.y))
    let direction = CGPoint(x: offset.x / CGFloat(length),
                            y: offset.y / CGFloat(length))
    velocity = CGPoint(x: direction.x * passengerMovePointsPerSec,
                       y: direction.y * passengerMovePointsPerSec)        

and I trigger these functions from the update loop like this: 我从更新循环触发这些功能,如下所示:

if let lastTaxiLocation = lastTaxiLocation {
let diff = lastTaxiLocation - passenger.position
if diff.length() <= passengerMovePointsPerSec * CGFloat(dt){
    passenger.position = lastTaxiLocation
    velocity = CGPoint.zero
} else {
    move(sprite: passenger, velocity: velocity)
    print("update loop")

Does anyone have an idea for this issue? 有谁对这个问题有想法吗?


sprite.position.x = sprite.position.x + amountToMove.x

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