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Python 3.x 无法将 Decimal() 序列化为 JSON

[英]Python 3.x cannot serialize Decimal() to JSON

I asked this question earlier, and it was marked as duplicate of this , but the accepted answer does not work and even pylint shows that there are errors in the code.我之前问过这个问题,它被标记为this 的重复,但接受的答案不起作用,甚至 pylint 显示代码中有错误。

What I want to do:我想做的事:

from decimal import Decimal
import json

thang = {
    'Items': [{'contact_id': Decimal('2'), 'street_name': 'Asdasd'}, {'contact_id': Decimal('1'), 'name': 'Lukas', 'customer_id': Decimal('1')}],
     'Count': 2}


This throws: TypeError: Object of type 'Decimal' is not JSON serializable这会抛出: TypeError: Object of type 'Decimal' is not JSON serializable

So I tried the linked answer :所以我尝试了链接的答案

from decimal import Decimal
import json

thang = {
    'Items': [{'contact_id': Decimal('2'), 'street_name': 'Asdasd'}, {'contact_id': Decimal('1'), 'name': 'Lukas', 'customer_id': Decimal('1')}],
     'Count': 2}

class DecimalEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def _iterencode(self, o, markers=None):
        if isinstance(o, Decimal):
            # wanted a simple yield str(o) in the next line,
            # but that would mean a yield on the line with super(...),
            # which wouldn't work (see my comment below), so...
            return (str(o) for o in [o])
        return super(DecimalEncoder, self)._iterencode(o, markers)

print(json.dumps(thang, cls=DecimalEncoder))

And here the linter shows that line return super(DecimalEncoder, self)._iterencode(o, markers) has errors, because Super of 'DecimalEncoder' has no '_iterencode' member and when ran throws TypeError: Object of type 'Decimal' is not JSON serializable这里 linter 显示 line return super(DecimalEncoder, self)._iterencode(o, markers)有错误,因为Super of 'DecimalEncoder' has no '_iterencode' member并且在运行时抛出TypeError: Object of type 'Decimal' is not JSON serializable

How do I make this work?我如何使这项工作?

That answer turned out to be outdated and there was another answer with the working solution:结果证明该答案已过时,工作解决方案还有另一个答案

class DecimalEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, decimal.Decimal):
            return str(o)
        return super(DecimalEncoder, self).default(o)

Note that this will convert the decimal to its string representation (eg; "1.2300" ) to a.请注意,这会将十进制数转换为其字符串表示形式(例如; "1.2300" )到 a。 not lose significant digits and b.不会丢失有效数字和 b. prevent rounding errors.防止舍入错误。

I wanted to serialize Decimal to JSON, and also deserialize it back to actual Decimal class objects in a dictionary elsewhere.我想将 Decimal序列化为JSON,并将其反序列化回其他地方字典中的实际 Decimal 类对象。

Here is my sample program which works for me (Python 3.6):这是我的示例程序(Python 3.6):

import json
from decimal import Decimal
import decimal

class DecimalEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
            return {'__Decimal__': str(obj)}
        # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

def as_Decimal(dct):
    if '__Decimal__' in dct:
        return decimal.Decimal(dct['__Decimal__'])
    return dct

sample_dict = {
        "sample1": Decimal("100"), 
        "sample2": [ Decimal("2.0"), Decimal("2.1") ],
        "sample3": Decimal("3.1415"),
        "other": "hello!"
print("1. sample_dict is:\n{0}\n".format(sample_dict))

sample_dict_encoded_as_json_string = json.dumps(sample_dict, cls=DecimalEncoder)
print("2. sample_dict_encoded_as_json_string is:\n{0}\n".format(sample_dict_encoded_as_json_string))

sample_dict_recreated = json.loads(sample_dict_encoded_as_json_string, object_hook=as_Decimal)
print("3. sample_dict_recreated is:\n{0}\n".format(sample_dict_recreated))

And here is the output:这是输出:

1. sample_dict is:
{'sample1': Decimal('100'), 'sample2': [Decimal('2.0'), Decimal('2.1')], 'sample3': Decimal('3.1415'), 'other': 'hello!'}

2. sample_dict_encoded_as_json_string is:
{"sample1": {"__Decimal__": "100"}, "sample2": [{"__Decimal__": "2.0"}, {"__Decimal__": "2.1"}], "sample3": {"__Decimal__": "3.1415"}, "other": "hello!"}

3. sample_dict_recreated is:
{'sample1': Decimal('100'), 'sample2': [Decimal('2.0'), Decimal('2.1')], 'sample3': Decimal('3.1415'), 'other': 'hello!'}

Hope this helps!希望这可以帮助!

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