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[英]glob: find `folder` that are not inside `folder`

Using https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob 使用https://github.com/isaacs/node-glob

The task is to find all node_modules folders in the project tree, that are not inside other node_modules. 任务是在项目树中找到所有不在其他node_modules内的node_modules文件夹。

I tried: something like: 我试过:类似:

  • ('**/node_modules/', {ignore: '**/node_modules/**/node_modules/'})

This works but takes a few minutes (about 10) for my projects with ~10 subrojects. 这可行,但是对于我的带有约10个子项目的项目,需要花费几分钟(约10分钟)的时间。

I thought there might be quicker way? 我认为可能会有更快的方法? Any advice on this? 有什么建议吗?

Dunno, works works fine for me: Dunno,作品对我来说很好:

glob('**/node_modules/', {ignore: '**/node_modules/**/node_modules/'}, console.log)
// Output: null [ 'node_modules/' ]

//  or sync
glob.sync('**/node_modules/', {ignore: '**/node_modules/**/node_modules/'})
// => [ 'node_modules/' ]

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