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[英]bash script replace all null values in a file by lines from another file

I have two files: 我有两个文件:


here is the few first lines: 以下是第一行:

insert into comment (id, field1, field2, field3, date) values (8001, 13, 44, null, '2007-07-06 02:48:15');
insert into comment (id, field1, field2, field3, date) values (8002, 18, 738, null, '2008-12-23 16:30:17');
insert into comment (id, field1, field2, field3, date) values (8003, 3, 150, null, '2007-06-07 06:27:52');

and another file2.txt : 和另一个file2.txt

'this is test'
'another example'
'third one'

they both have the same number of lines. 它们都具有相同的行数。 I want to replace null string in file1.sql , we have only one null in each line, with the corresponding line from the other file2.txt 我想替换file1.sql 字符串,我们每行只有一个null ,而另一行是file2.txt的相应行

How can I do it in sed or awk ? 我该如何在sedawk

update 更新


sed -i 's/$OLD/$NEW/g' file.txt

this is my try, but very basic and cannot go further. 这是我的尝试,但非常基础,无法继续。

In awk, pretty much complete rewrite as & in a[FNR] when using sub causes problems. 在awk中,使用sub时几乎完全用& a[FNR] &重写会导致问题。

$ awk '
NR==FNR { a[FNR]=$0; next }        # hash the records to a
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)                 # iterate every field
    if(tolower($i)~/^null,?$/) {   # if its null (or null,)
        $i=a[FNR]($i~/,$/?",":"")  # replace it
        break                      # only once 
}1' file2.txt File1.sql
insert into comment (id, field1, field2, field3, date) values (8001, 13, 44, 'this is test', '2007-07-06 02:48:15');
insert into comment (id, field1, field2, field3, date) values (8002, 18, 738, 'another example', '2008-12-23 16:30:17');
insert into comment (id, field1, field2, field3, date) values (8003, 3, 150, 'third one', '2007-06-07 06:27:52');

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