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[英]Continuous gradient color & fixed scale heatmap ggplot2

I'm switching from Mathematica to R but I'm finding some difficulties with visualizations. 我正在从Mathematica切换到R,但我发现可视化有些困难。

I'm trying to do a heatmap as follows: 我正在尝试按如下方式进行热图:

   penetration scc          pi0
1            0   0  0.002545268
2            5   0 -0.408621176
3           10   0 -0.929432006
4           15   0 -1.121309680
5           20   0 -1.587298317
6           25   0 -2.957853131
7           30   0 -5.123329738
8            0  50  1.199748327
9            5  50  0.788581883
10          10  50  0.267771053
11          15  50  0.075893379
12          20  50 -0.390095258
13          25  50 -1.760650073
14          30  50 -3.926126679
15           0 100  2.396951386
16           5 100  1.985784941
17          10 100  1.464974112
18          15 100  1.273096438
19          20 100  0.807107801
20          25 100 -0.563447014
21          30 100 -2.728923621

mycol <- c("navy", "blue", "cyan", "lightcyan", "yellow", "red", "red4")

ggplot(data = short, aes(x = penetration, y = scc)) +
  geom_tile(aes(fill = pi0)) +
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = mycol)

And I get this: 我得到了这个:


But I need something like this: 但是我需要这样的东西: 在此输入图像描述

That is, I would like that the color is continuous (degraded) over the surface of the plot instead of discrete for each square. 也就是说,我希望颜色在绘图表面上连续(降级)而不是每个正方形的离散。 I've seen in other SO questions that some people interpolate de data but I think there should be an easier way to do it inside the ggplot call (in Mathematica is done by default). 我在其他SO问题中看到有些人插入de数据,但我认为在ggplot调用中应该有一种更简单的方法(默认情况下在Mathematica中完成)。

Besides, I would like to lock the color scale such that the 0 is always white (separating therefore between warm colors for positive values and cold for negative ones) and the color distribution is always the same across plots independently of the range of the data (since I will use the same plot structure for several datasets) 此外,我想锁定色标,使得0总是白色(因此在暖色之间分离为正值,冷色之间为负值),并且颜色分布在各个图中始终相同,与数据范围无关(因为我将对几个数据集使用相同的绘图结构)

You can use geom_raster with interpolate=TRUE : 您可以将geom_rasterinterpolate=TRUE

ggplot(short , aes(x = penetration, y = scc)) +
  geom_raster(aes(fill = pi0), interpolate=TRUE) +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low="navy", mid="white", high="red", 
                       midpoint=0, limits=range(short$pi0)) +


To get the same color mapping to values of pi0 across all of your plots, set the limits argument of scale_fill_gradient2 to be the same in each plot. 要在所有绘图中获得与pi0值相同的颜色映射,请将scale_fill_gradient2limits参数设置为在每个绘图中相同。 For example, if you have three data frames called short , short2 , and short3 , you can do this: 例如,如果您有三个名为shortshort2short3数据框, short2可以执行以下操作:

# Get range of `pi0` across all data frames
pi0.rng = range(lapply(list(short, short2, short3), function(s) s$pi0))

Then set limits=pi0.rng in scale_fill_gradient2 in all of your plots. 然后在所有绘图中的scale_fill_gradient2中设置limits=pi0.rng

I would adjust your scale_fill_gradient2 : 我会调整你的scale_fill_gradient2

scale_fill_gradient2('pi0', low = "blue", mid = "white", high = "red", midpoint = 0)

to make plot colours directly comparable add consistent limits to each plot: 使绘图颜色直接可比,为每个绘图添加一致的limits

scale_fill_gradient2('pi0', low = "blue", mid = "white", high = "red", midpoint = 0, limits=c('your lower limit','your upper limit'))

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