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[英]R - construct sparse matrix from list of lists

Using python and pandas I can easily construct a sparse DataFrame from a list of dictionary objects. 使用python和pandas,我可以轻松地从字典对象列表中构造一个稀疏的DataFrame。 The following code snippet shows how this can be done in pandas: 以下代码段显示了如何在熊猫中完成此操作:

In [1]: import pandas as pd; (pd.DataFrame([{'a':1, 'b':10}, 
                                            {'d':99, 'c':1},
                                            {'b':1, 'd': 4}])
     a     b    c     d
0  1.0  10.0  0.0   0.0
1  0.0   0.0  1.0  99.0
2  0.0   1.0  0.0   4.0

What if I want to easily reproduce this behavior in R? 如果我想轻松地在R中重现此行为怎么办? Let's suppose that I have the following variable: 假设我有以下变量:

values <- list(list(a = 1, b = 10),
               list(d = 99, c = 1),
               list(b = 1, d = 4))

Then, how the same result achieved in python can be obtained using R? 然后,如何使用R获得在python中获得的相同结果?

We can use melt with xtabs in R 我们可以在R xtabs中使用melt

xtabs(value~L1 + L2, melt(values))
#     L2
#L1   a  b  c  d
#  1  1 10  0  0
#  2  0  0  1 99
#  3  0  1  0  4

With dplyr you could do it like this: 使用dplyr您可以这样操作:

values %>% bind_rows() %>% mutate_all(function(x) coalesce(x, 0))

# A tibble: 3 × 4
      a     b     d     c
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1     1    10     0     0
2     0     0    99     1
3     0     1     4     0

Here's a solution with plyr package: 这是使用plyr软件包的解决方案:

ldply(values, data.frame)

   a  b  d  c
1  1 10 NA NA
2 NA NA 99  1
3 NA  1  4 NA

# mutate each to replace NA with 0
ldply(values, data.frame) %>% 
     mutate_each(funs(replace(., is.na(.), 0)))

  a  b  d c
1 1 10  0 0
2 0  0 99 1
3 0  1  4 0

Using base R to construct a matrix, you could do the following. 使用基数R构造矩阵,您可以执行以下操作。

first, the set up 首先,设置

# flatten list to pull out info for matrix construction
flat <- unlist(values)
# build a 0 matrix with correct dimensions and column names
myMat <- matrix(0, nrow=length(values), ncol=length(unique(names(flat))),
                dimnames=list(NULL, sort(unique(names(flat)))))

Now, fill in the matrix 现在,填写矩阵

for(i in seq_along(values)) myMat[i, names(values[[i]])] <- unlist(values[[i]])

This results in 这导致

     a  b c  d
[1,] 1 10 0  0
[2,] 0  0 1 99
[3,] 0  1 0  4

If you actually wanted a data.frame, you can convert the matrix with the as.data.frame or data.frame functions. 如果您确实需要data.frame,则可以使用as.data.framedata.frame函数转换矩阵。

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