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[英]write data in excel using batch file

I write a batch file that check a folder that contains some fonts.I want to to write them in excel.but when I run the .bat file, values overwrite the first row?Actually I don't know how to go to the next row! 我写了一个批处理文件,检查包含某些字体的文件夹。我想用excel编写它们。但是当我运行.bat文件时,值覆盖了第一行?实际上我不知道如何转到下一行行! would anyone help me? 有人可以帮我吗? This is the code: 这是代码:

@ echo off
color 0b

set file=C:\Users\S.R.P\Desktop\input\*
set inpDir=C:\Users\S.R.P\Desktop\input\

set dat=Test.csv
FOR %%i IN ("%file%") DO (
set fontname=%%~ni && set fontname=!fontname: =!
ECHO !fontname!

set fileextension=%%~xi
set  fontfile=!fontname!%%~xi
set outDir=C:\Users\S.R.P\Desktop\ouput\!fontname!\
ECHO !inpDir!%%~ni
echo !fontfile!
ren "!inpDir!%%~ni%%~xi" "!fontfile!"
ECHO !outDir!
ECHO !fontname!!fileextension!
echo "!fontname!","!inpDir!%%~ni">%dat%

>"test.csv" (
  for %%i in ... (

and remove all >%dat% inside the for loop. 并删除for循环中的所有>%dat% Also, this opens the file only once, whereas each > or >> will open and close the file. 同样,这只会打开文件一次,而每个>>>都将打开和关闭文件。

if you want to print data in the console, then echo ...>con 如果要在控制台中打印数据,则echo ...>con

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