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[英]Convert a list of numbers to ranges

I have a bunch of numbers, say the following: 我有一堆数字,说如下:

1 2 3 4  6 7 8  20 24 28 32

The information presented there could be represented in Python as ranges: 这里提供的信息可以用Python表示为范围:

[range(1, 5), range(6, 9), range(20, 33, 4)]

In my output I'd write 1..4, 6..8, 20..32..4 , but that is just a matter of presentation. 在我的输出中,我会写1..4, 6..8, 20..32..4只是演示问题。

Another answer shows how one can do this for contiguous ranges. 另一个答案显示了如何为连续范围做到这一点。 I don't see how I can easily do this for strided ranges like above. 我不知道如何轻松地为上面的跨栏范围做这件事。 Is there a similar trick for this? 对此有类似的伎俩吗?

Here's a straight forward approach at the problem. 这是问题的直接方法。

def get_ranges(ls):
    N = len(ls)
    while ls:
        # single element remains, yield the trivial range
        if N == 1:
            yield range(ls[0], ls[0] + 1)

        diff = ls[1] - ls[0]
        # find the last index that satisfies the determined difference
        i = next(i for i in range(1, N) if i + 1 == N or ls[i+1] - ls[i] != diff)

        yield range(ls[0], ls[i] + 1, diff)

        # update variables
        ls = ls[i+1:]
        N -= i + 1
def ranges(data):
    result = []
    if not data:
        return result
    idata = iter(data)
    first = prev = next(idata)
    for following in idata:
        if following - prev == 1:
            prev = following
            result.append((first, prev + 1))
            first = prev = following
    # There was either exactly 1 element and the loop never ran,
    # or the loop just normally ended and we need to account
    # for the last remaining range.
    result.append((first, prev+1))
    return result

Test: 测试:

>>> data = range(1, 5) + range(6, 9) + range(20, 24)
>>> print ranges(data)
[(1, 5), (6, 9), (20, 24)]

You can use groupby and count from itertools module along with Counter from collections module like this example: 您可以使用来自itertools模块的groupbycount以及来自collections模块的Counter ,如下例所示:

Update: See the comments in order to understand the logic behind this solution and its limitations. 更新:请参阅注释以了解此解决方案背后的逻辑及其局限性。

from itertools import groupby, count
from collections import Counter

def ranges_list(data=list, func=range, min_condition=1):
    # Sort in place the ranges list

    # Find all the steps between the ranges's elements
    steps = [v-k for k,v in zip(data, data[1:])]

    # Find the repeated items's steps based on condition. 
    # Default: repeated more than once (min_condition = 1)
    repeated = [item for item, count in Counter(steps).items() if count > min_condition]

    # Group the items in to a dict based on the repeated steps
    groups = {k:[list(v) for _,v in groupby(data, lambda n, c = count(step = k): n-next(c))] for k in repeated}

    # Create a dict:
    # - keys are the steps
    # - values are the grouped elements
    sub = {k:[j for j in v if len(j) > 1] for k,v in groups.items()}

    # Those two lines are for pretty printing purpose:
    # They are meant to have a sorted output.
    # You can replace them by:
    # return [func(j[0], j[-1]+1,k) for k,v in sub.items() for j in v]
    # Otherwise:
    final = [(j[0], j[-1]+1,k) for k,v in sub.items() for j in v]
    return [func(*k) for k in sorted(final, key = lambda x: x[0])]

ranges1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 20, 24, 28, 32]
ranges2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 20, 24, 28, 50,51,59,60]


Output: 输出:

[range(1, 5), range(6, 9), range(20, 33, 4)]
[range(1, 5), range(6, 8), range(20, 29, 4), range(50, 52), range(59, 61)]

Limitations: 限制:

With this kind of intput: 有了这种输入:

ranges3 = [1,3,6,10]
print(ranges_list(ranges3, min_condition=0))

Will output: 将输出:

# Steps are repeated <= 1 with the condition: min_condition = 1
# Will output an empty list
# With min_condition = 0
# Will output the ranges using: zip(data, data[1:])
[range(1, 4, 2), range(3, 7, 3), range(6, 11, 4)]

Feel free to use this solution and adopt it or modify it in order to fill your needs. 随意使用此解决方案并采用或修改它以满足您的需求。

It might not be super short or elegant, but it seems to work: 它可能不是超短或优雅,但它似乎工作:

def ranges(ls):
    li = iter(ls)
    first = next(li)
    while True:
            element = next(li)
        except StopIteration:
            yield range(first, first+1)
        step = element - first
        last = element
        while True:
                element = next(li)
            except StopIteration:
                yield range(first, last+step, step)
            if element - last != step:
                yield range(first, last+step, step)
                first = element
            last = element

This iterates over an iterator of the list, and yields range objects: 这将迭代列表的迭代器,并产生范围对象:

>>> list(ranges([1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 20, 24, 28, 32]))
[range(1, 5), range(6, 9), range(20, 33, 4)]

It also handles negative ranges, and ranges that have just one element: 它还处理负范围,以及只有一个元素的范围:

>>> list(ranges([9,8,7, 1,3,5, 99])
[range(9, 6, -1), range(1, 7, 2), range(99, 100)]

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