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[英]WriteConsole access violation in function call but not from main()

I am trying to use WriteConsole(..) in a function call but I get access violation. 我试图在函数调用中使用WriteConsole(..),但遇到访问冲突。 When I un-comment the code in main, it prints my text to the screen with no problem in the main function. 当我取消注释main中的代码时,它将我的文本打印到屏幕上,而main函数没有问题。 When I try to print the string in the function call I get access violation even though it does print the text to the console. 当我尝试在函数调用中打印字符串时,即使确实将文本打印到控制台,也会出现访问冲突。

void print(char *_charArray);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    HWND hConsole;
//    HANDLE hFile;
    char myText[] = "This is my text";
    char *pMyText = myText;
    LPDWORD charsWriten;

//        OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);


//    WriteConsole(hFile, myText, sizeof(myText), charsWriten, NULL);

    return 0;

void print(char *text)
    LPDWORD charsWriten;
    HANDLE hFile;

                    OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);

    unsigned int strn = strlen(text) + 1;

    if(!WriteConsole(hFile, text, (strlen(text) + 1), charsWriten,NULL))
        printf("Write Failed\n");

This declaration is wrong: 该声明是错误的:

LPDWORD charsWriten;

The CreateFile function expects the fourth parameter to be a pointer to a variable it can write into. CreateFile函数期望第四个参数是指向它可以写入的变量的指针。 You don't actually allocate memory, though; 但是,您实际上并没有分配内存。 you just declare a pointer—an uninitialized one at that. 您只需声明一个指针-就是一个未初始化的指针。 That won't work. 那行不通。 You need to do: 您需要做:

DWORD charsWritten;


WriteConsole(hFile, text, (strlen(text) + 1), &charsWritten, NULL)

That will fix the access violation problem, but it doesn't explain why you are writing one character past the end of your string. 这将解决访问冲突问题,但不能解释为什么您要在字符串末尾写入一个字符。 You don't need to add 1 to strlen ; 您不需要在strlen上加1; the terminating NUL doesn't need to be written. 不需要编写终止的NUL。

LPDWORD charsWriten;

LPDWORD is DWORD* . LPDWORDDWORD* So what you have there is an uninitialized pointer. 因此,您所拥有的是一个未初始化的指针。 You then pass this pointer to WriteConsole , which writes to the invalid location pointed to. 然后,您将此指针传递给WriteConsole ,该指针将写入指向的无效位置。 Instead, declare charsWritten as type DWORD , and pass its address to WriteConsole with &charsWritten . 而是将charsWritten声明为DWORD类型,并使用&charsWritten将其地址传递给WriteConsole

DWORD charsWritten;
WriteConsole(hFile, text, (strlen(text) + 1), &charsWritten, NULL);

If, as you say, it works as you have it in main. 如您所说,如果它像您主要的那样工作。 That is simply bad luck. 那简直是倒霉。 It's undefined behavior, which doesn't always have predictable results. 这是不确定的行为,并不总是可以预期的结果。

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