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[英]Python filter points in 2D space

I have two arrays x=[1,2,3,4] and y=[1,0,0,1] describing 2D points (x,y). 我有两个数组x=[1,2,3,4]y=[1,0,0,1]描述2D点(x,y)。 I want to know how many elements have x>2 and y==1 . 我想知道多少元素具有x>2 y==1 What is the most simple way to do this (without any loops)? 什么是最简单的方法(没有循环)? Is it possible to do something like x[x>2] , but for two conditions? 是否可以执行x[x>2] ,但是有两个条件?

Assuming these are numpy arrays, since your x[x>2] is numpy syntax, you just need the and ( & ) operator: 假设这些是numpy数组,由于x[x>2]是numpy语法,因此只需要and( & )运算符:

meet_cond = (x > 2) & (y == 1)
how_many = meet_cond.sum()

which_x = x[meet_cond]
which_y = y[meet_cond]

If x and y belong together as points, you might want to pack them into a np 2D array: 如果xy一起属于点,则可能要将它们打包成np 2D数组:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> y = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1])
>>> xy = np.array([x, y]).T
>>> xy[(x > 2) & (y == 1)]
array([[4, 1]])
>>> xy[(xy[:, 0] > 2) & (xy[:, 1] == 1)]
array([[4, 1]])
>>> np.count_nonzero((xy[:, 0] > 2) & (xy[:, 1] == 1))

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