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Immutable.Js - 在Map中添加新属性

[英]Immutable.Js - Add new property in Map

So let's say that I make a REST API call and receive a JSON in this format: 因此,假设我进行REST API调用并以此格式接收JSON:

    "plan": {
        "createdDate": "05/04/2017",
        "location": {
          "city": null
          "state": null
        "family": null

And within in my reducer, make the JSON as an immutable as so: 在我的reducer中,将JSON设置为不可变的,如下所示:


Along the way, is it possible to add properties under family ? 一路上,是否可以在family下添加属性?

For instance, when I am submitting a form to a server, ideally I like to send something like this: 例如,当我向服务器提交表单时,理想情况下我喜欢发送以下内容:

    "plan": {
        "createdDate": "05/04/2017",
        "location": {
          "city": null
          "state": null
        "family": {
          "father": "Homer",
          "mother": "Marge",
          "son": "Bartholomew"

Or do I have to initialized first to have those properties under family from the start? 还是我先来的有以下这些属性来初始化family从一开始?

You can follow this way via mergeDeep of Immutable : 您可以通过mergeDeep of Immutable遵循这种方式:

const { fromJS } = require('immutable@4.0.0-rc.9')

const initialState = fromJS({
    "plan": {
        "createdDate": "05/04/2017",
        "location": {
          "city": null,
          "state": null
        "family": null

const newState = initialState.mergeDeep({
    "plan": {
        "family": {
            "father": "Homer",
            "mother": "Marge",
            "son": "Bartholomew"


You will got this result 你会得到这个结果

    "plan": {
        "createdDate": "05/04/2017",
        "location": {
          "city": null,
          "state": null
        "family": {
            "father": "Homer",
            "mother": "Marge",
            "son": "Bartholomew"

Hope this can help you for solving this same issue with me, I was succeed! 希望这可以帮助你解决同样的问题,我成功了!

Just to complement @julien-deniau answer. 只是为了补充@ julien-deniau的答案。 In case you have already properties in your object, you can use mergeIn . 如果对象中已有属性,则可以使用mergeIn For example: 例如:

"plan": {
    "createdDate": "05/04/2017",
    "location": {
      "city": null
      "state": null
    "family": {
      "father": "Homer",
      "mother": "Marge",
      "son": "Bartholomew"
      ---> you need to add smthg here

} }

    'family'], {grandfather:'Abraham Jedediah'});

For the record, you don't need to do 为了记录,您不需要这样做

const m = Immutable.Map(Immutable.fromJS(action.json))


const m = Immutable.fromJS(action.json)

does the job 做的工作

Then you can just do: 然后你可以这样做:

const n = m.setIn(['plan', 'family'], /* your family object */)

Here : 这里 :

const n = m.setIn(['plan', 'family'], Immutable.Map({ father: 'Homer', mother: 'Marge', son: 'Bartholomew' }))

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