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PHP preg_replace

[英]PHP preg_replace

I have to do the following with preg_replace in PHP: 我必须在PHP中使用preg_replace进行以下操作:

[some text][id] should be replaced by <a href='id'>some_text</a> where id is an integer [some text][id]应该替换为<a href='id'>some_text</a> ,其中id是整数

Tried the following, unfortunately didn't work as expected: 尝试了以下操作,很遗憾未能按预期方式工作:

preg_replace("/\[[^)]\]\[[0-9]+\]/","<a href='$2'>$1</a>",$string);

Also, an example [some text]][id] with extra bracket may be considered, where the last bracket should be taken. 另外,可以考虑带有额外括号的示例[some text]][id] ,该括号应放在最后一个括号中。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Here's a solution: 这是一个解决方案:

$string = '[some text][117]';
$s = preg_replace("/\[([^\]]+)\]\[([0-9]+)\]/","<a href='$2'>$1</a>",$string);

First - to use $1 (or $2 ) you need to capture pattern in brackets () . 首先使用$1 (或$2 ),您需要在方括号()捕获模式。

Second mistake - you're trying to find ^) , but you don't have ) in your text. 第二个错误-您尝试查找^) ,但您的文本中没有) So I replaced ) to ] . 因此我将)替换为]

Update for an extra ] : 额外更新 ]

$s = preg_replace("/\[([^\]]+)(\]?)\]\[([0-9]+)\]/","<a href='$3'>$1$2</a>",$string);

Not sure what you need to do with this founded ] , so I added it to a link text. 不知道您需要使用这个已建立的]做什么,所以我将其添加到链接文本中。

In case of a lot of ]]] you can use: 如果有很多]]] ,则可以使用:

$s = preg_replace("/\[([^\]]+)(\]*)\]\[([0-9]+)\]/","<a href='$3'>$1$2</a>",$string);

\\D - Any non-digit \\d - Any digit \\ D-任何非数字\\ d-任何数字

Test it here: http://www.phpliveregex.com/p/k4X 在此处进行测试: http : //www.phpliveregex.com/p/k4X

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