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用PHP preg_replace

[英]preg_replace with php

I would like to replace ":" with "\\xEF\\xBC\\x9A" however, I do not want to do this for : that follows "http", "https", and string with the format of @[{numbers}:{numbers}:{some text}]. 我想将“:”替换为“ \\ xEF \\ xBC \\ x9A”,但我不想这样做:它遵循“ http”,“ https”和@@ {numbers}格式的字符串: {numbers:{some text}]。 What I have doesn't really work as (?<!@\\[\\d) does not check what's after it. 我所拥有的并没有真正起作用,因为(?<!@\\[\\d)不会检查它后面的内容。 My current implementation only work for something like @[1:2:text] . 我当前的实现仅适用于@[1:2:text] Thanks! 谢谢!

$string=preg_replace('#(?<!https)(?<!http)(?<!@\[\d)(?<!@\[\d:\d):#', "\xEF\xBC\x9A", $string);


preg_replace('/(@\[\d+:\d+:[^]]*]|https?:)|:/e', '"$1"?"$1":"\xEF\xBC\x9A"', $string);

Try this regex: 试试这个正则表达式:


It should match the first and second instances of ' : ' here. 在此应与' '的第一和第二个实例匹配。

: test: http: @[1:2:text]

Usage Sample: 用法样本:

$string = preg_replace('/(?<!@\[(?::?[\d]{0,5}){1,2})(?<!https?):/', '\xEF\xBC\x9A', $string);

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