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BadValue(整数参数超出操作范围)当我尝试使用 vtk 渲染数据时

[英]BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) when I try rendering data with vtk

I'm currently trying to follow this tutorial for my class.我目前正在尝试为我的班级学习本教程。 https://pyscience.wordpress.com/2014/11/16/volume-rendering-with-python-and-vtk/ I followed the instructions and my code matches up, but when I try to run it I get the following error. https://pyscience.wordpress.com/2014/11/16/volume-rendering-with-python-and-vtk/我按照说明操作并且我的代码匹配,但是当我尝试运行它时出现以下错误.

X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) X 请求失败错误:BadValue(整数参数超出操作范围)

Major opcode of failed request: 154 (GLX)失败请求的主要操作码:154 (GLX)

Minor opcode of failed request: 3 (X_GLXCreateContext)失败请求的次要操作码:3 (X_GLXCreateContext)

Value in failed request: 0x0失败请求中的值:0x0

Serial number of failed request: 15失败请求序号:15

Current serial number in output stream: 20输出流中的当前序列号:20

I've looked through other posts that have similar messages and they don't seem to be quite the same.我浏览了其他具有类似信息的帖子,但它们似乎并不完全相同。 Oh I'm also running Ubuntu 16.04 on a virtual machine.哦,我也在虚拟机上运行 Ubuntu 16.04。 Please let me know of any suggestions you might have or any additional information you'd need to help resolve this issue.请告诉我您可能有的任何建议或帮助解决此问题所需的任何其他信息。

As suggested by Antimony I uploaded my code to github, here按照 Antimony 的建议,我将代码上传到 github,这里

https://github.com/alam38/lab6 https://github.com/alam38/lab6

I believe the relevant section is section involving the mapper.我相信相关部分是涉及映射器的部分。 As you can see from the commented section I switched from vtk's vtkVolumeRayCastMapper to vtk's smartmapper as a suggestion from my teacher in the case that the issue stemmed from the mapper placing too much strain on my computer.正如您从评论部分所看到的,我从 vtk 的 vtkVolumeRayCastMapper 切换到 vtk 的 smartmapper 作为我老师的建议,以防问题源于映射器对我的计算机施加了太大压力。 The other similar questions all seem to point towards an issue with nvidia's drivers, but I updated my drivers and there's still an issue.其他类似的问题似乎都指向 nvidia 驱动程序的问题,但我更新了驱动程序,但仍然存在问题。 That still didn't solve it and I'm not sure what else I could try.那仍然没有解决它,我不确定我还能尝试什么。

running gazebo on a VM doesn't go with 3d graphic driver, but you could try these:在 VM 上运行 Gazebo 不适用于 3d 图形驱动程序,但您可以尝试以下操作:

1) in VirtualBox go to settings - display - video - enable acceleration 1)在VirtualBox中去设置-显示-视频-启用加速

2) on VirtualBox install: 2)在VirtualBox上安装:

sudo apt remove libcheese-gtk23 sudo apt install xserver-xorg-core

then restart your VM OS然后重启你的虚拟机操作系统

I suggest you set-up dual boot建议你设置双启动


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