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[英]if statement\how to loop problems

Okay so when i run this code and put in 50 for example it will list all the grades under that. 好的,所以当我运行此代码并放入50例如时,它将列出该级别下的所有成绩。 How do i fix this? 我该如何解决? Also how can i make this more efficient? 另外我该如何提高效率呢? this is quite a lot of code for quite a simple task put i'm not sure how to achieve it. 对于相当简单的任务,这是很多代码,但我不确定该如何实现。 thanks for all replies. 感谢您的所有答复。

testscore = int(input("What mark did you get?"))
if testscore>= 80:
    print("You got an A!!")
    if testscore>= 70:
        print("You got an B!")
    if testscore>= 60:
        print("You got an C.")
    if testscore>= 50:
        print("You got an D.")
    if testscore>= 40:
        print("You got an F.")
    if testscore>= 30:
        print("You got a G. Wow.")
    if testscore<= 20:
        print("There is nothing this low. Maybe you should have studied more? re-think your life please.")

second = input("do you want to get another test score?")
if second == "yes":
    testscore = int(input("What mark did you get?"))

if testscore>= 80:
    print("You got an A!!")
    if testscore<= 70:
        print("You got an B!")
    if testscore<= 60:
        print("You got an C.")
    if testscore<= 50:
        print("You got an D.")
    if testscore<= 40:
        print("You got an F.")
    if testscore<= 30:
        print("You got a G. Wow.")
    if testscore<= 20:
        print("There is nothing this low. Maybe you should have studied more? re-think your life please.")
if second == "no":
    print("Thanks for using MARK TO GRADE CONVERTER. See you soon!")

The problem is that all those conditions in the else part are tested independently. 问题在于, else部分中的所有这些条件else需要独立测试。

if testscore>= 80:
    print("You got an A!!")
    if testscore>= 70:
        print("You got an B!")
    if testscore>= 60:
        print("You got an C.")
    if ...

If testscore is 75 , then the first condition is true, so print("You got an B!") is executed. 如果testscore75 ,则第一个条件为true,因此执行print("You got an B!") It then tests the second condition, which is also true, so it executes print("You got an C!") , and so on. 然后,它测试第二个条件,这也是正确的,因此它执行print("You got an C!") ,依此类推。 For the first two conditions (A and B) you used else: if ... , which went in the right direction, but using else: if for all would result in a huge cascade of nested blocks. 对于前两个条件(A和B),您使用else: if ... ,方向正确,但是使用else: if所有将导致大量嵌套块级联。 Instead, you can use elif for all but the first condition. 相反,您可以对除第一个条件以外的所有条件使用elif This way, the next condition is only tested if the previous one evaluated to false: 这样,仅当前一个条件评估为false时,才测试下一个条件:

if testscore>= 80:
    print("You got an A!!")
elif testscore>= 70:
    print("You got an B!")
elif testscore>= 60:
    print("You got an C.")
elif ...

And similar for the second block of if statements further down. 与第二段if语句进一步相似。 (The comparison is reversed in that block, but actually I'd guess that those blocks should be the same; in this case, you should make that a function and call the function twice instead of replicating that code.) (在那个块中,比较是相反的,但是实际上我猜想那些块应该是相同的;在这种情况下,应该使该函数成为函数并调用两次该函数,而不是复制该代码。)

Alternatively, you could eg create a list of grades and scores and then find the next score that satisfies the condition in a single line: 或者,您可以例如创建成绩和分数列表,然后在一行中找到满足条件的next分数:

>>> grades = (('A', 80), ('B', 70), ('C', 60), ('D', 50), ('F', 0))
>>> score = 56
>>> next((g for g, n in grades if score >= n))

If you want to reduce the code and make it more efficient you can use a dictionary to store the grades and use integer divison on the grade to get the key, as the following: 如果要减少代码并提高效率,可以使用dictionary来存储等级,并在等级上使用整数除法来获取密钥,如下所示:

    grades = {7:'B', 6:'C', 5:'D', 4:'F', 3:'G'}               
    testscore = int(input("What mark did you get?"))
    if testscore>= 80:
        print("You got an A!!")
    elif testscore < 30:
        print("There is nothing this low. Maybe you should have studied more? re-think your life please.")
        print("You got an " + grades[testscore // 10] + "!")

and if you want to loop you can use: 如果要loop ,可以使用:

    loop = 'yes'
    while loop == 'yes':
        #code here
        loop = raw_input('Do you want to get another test score?')

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