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[英]if statement\how to loop problems

好的,所以當我運行此代碼並放入50例如時,它將列出該級別下的所有成績。 我該如何解決? 另外我該如何提高效率呢? 對於相當簡單的任務,這是很多代碼,但我不確定該如何實現。 感謝您的所有答復。

testscore = int(input("What mark did you get?"))
if testscore>= 80:
    print("You got an A!!")
    if testscore>= 70:
        print("You got an B!")
    if testscore>= 60:
        print("You got an C.")
    if testscore>= 50:
        print("You got an D.")
    if testscore>= 40:
        print("You got an F.")
    if testscore>= 30:
        print("You got a G. Wow.")
    if testscore<= 20:
        print("There is nothing this low. Maybe you should have studied more? re-think your life please.")

second = input("do you want to get another test score?")
if second == "yes":
    testscore = int(input("What mark did you get?"))

if testscore>= 80:
    print("You got an A!!")
    if testscore<= 70:
        print("You got an B!")
    if testscore<= 60:
        print("You got an C.")
    if testscore<= 50:
        print("You got an D.")
    if testscore<= 40:
        print("You got an F.")
    if testscore<= 30:
        print("You got a G. Wow.")
    if testscore<= 20:
        print("There is nothing this low. Maybe you should have studied more? re-think your life please.")
if second == "no":
    print("Thanks for using MARK TO GRADE CONVERTER. See you soon!")

問題在於, else部分中的所有這些條件else需要獨立測試。

if testscore>= 80:
    print("You got an A!!")
    if testscore>= 70:
        print("You got an B!")
    if testscore>= 60:
        print("You got an C.")
    if ...

如果testscore75 ,則第一個條件為true,因此執行print("You got an B!") 然后,它測試第二個條件,這也是正確的,因此它執行print("You got an C!") ,依此類推。 對於前兩個條件(A和B),您使用else: if ... ,方向正確,但是使用else: if所有將導致大量嵌套塊級聯。 相反,您可以對除第一個條件以外的所有條件使用elif 這樣,僅當前一個條件評估為false時,才測試下一個條件:

if testscore>= 80:
    print("You got an A!!")
elif testscore>= 70:
    print("You got an B!")
elif testscore>= 60:
    print("You got an C.")
elif ...

與第二段if語句進一步相似。 (在那個塊中,比較是相反的,但是實際上我猜想那些塊應該是相同的;在這種情況下,應該使該函數成為函數並調用兩次該函數,而不是復制該代碼。)


>>> grades = (('A', 80), ('B', 70), ('C', 60), ('D', 50), ('F', 0))
>>> score = 56
>>> next((g for g, n in grades if score >= n))


    grades = {7:'B', 6:'C', 5:'D', 4:'F', 3:'G'}               
    testscore = int(input("What mark did you get?"))
    if testscore>= 80:
        print("You got an A!!")
    elif testscore < 30:
        print("There is nothing this low. Maybe you should have studied more? re-think your life please.")
        print("You got an " + grades[testscore // 10] + "!")

如果要loop ,可以使用:

    loop = 'yes'
    while loop == 'yes':
        #code here
        loop = raw_input('Do you want to get another test score?')


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