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reduceByKey是什么意思(_ ++ _)

[英]What is the meaning for reduceByKey(_ ++ _)

Recently I had scenario to store the the data in keyValue Pair and came across a function reduceByKey(_ ++ _) . 最近我有把keyValue对中存储数据的方案,并遇到了函数reduceByKey(_ ++ _) This is more of shorthand syntax. 这更像是速记语法。 I am not able to understand what this actually means. 我无法理解这实际意味着什么。

Ex: reduceBykey(_ + _) means reduceByKey((a,b)=>(a+b)) 例: reduceBykey(_ + _)表示reduceByKey((a,b)=>(a+b))

So reduceByKey(_ ++ _) means ?? 所以reduceByKey(_ ++ _)意味着??

I am able to create Key value pair out of data using reduceByKey(_ ++ _) . 我可以使用reduceByKey(_ ++ _)从数据中创建Key值对。

val y = sc.textFile("file:///root/My_Spark_learning/reduced.txt")



  .reduceByKey(_ ++ _)

(1,List(2, 3, 3, 4))
(4,List(5, 6))
(7,List(8, 9))

reduceByKey(_ ++ _) translates to reduceByKey((a,b) => a ++ b) . reduceByKey(_ ++ _)转换为reduceByKey((a,b) => a ++ b)

++ is a method defined on List that concatenates another list to it. ++List上定义的一种方法 ,它将另一个列表连接到它。

So, for key 1 in the sample data, a will be List(2,3) and b will be List(3,4) and hence the concatenation of List(2,3) and List(3,4) ( List(2,3) ++ List(3,4) ) would yield List(2,3,3,4) . 因此,对于样本数据中的密钥1, a将是List(2,3)b将是List(3,4) ,因此List(2,3)List(3,4)的串联( List(2,3) ++ List(3,4) )将产生List(2,3,3,4)

reduceByKey(_ ++ _) is equivalent to reduceByKey((x,y)=> x ++ y) reduceByKey takes two parameters, apply a function and returns reduceByKey(_ ++ _)等效于reduceByKey((x,y)=> x ++ y) reduceByKey接受两个参数,应用一个函数并返回

At the first it crates a set and ++ just adds collections together, combining elements of both sets. 首先它创建一个集合, ++只是将集合添加到一起,组合两个集合的元素。

For each key It keeps appending in the list. 对于每个键,它会一直附加到列表中。 In your case of 1 as a key x will be List(2,3) and y will List (3,4) and ++ will add both as List (2,3,3,4) 在你的情况下,1作为键,x将是List(2,3) ,y将List (3,4)++将添加为List (2,3,3,4)

If you had another value like (1,4,5) then the x would be List(4,5) in this case and y should be List (2,3,3,4) and result would be List(2,3,3,4,4,5) 如果你有另一个值,如(1,4,5)那么在这种情况下x将是List(4,5) ,y应该是List (2,3,3,4) ,结果将是List(2,3,3,4,4,5)

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