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Laravel Passport 通过访问令牌获取客户端 ID

[英]Laravel Passport Get Client ID By Access Token

I'm writing a tiny sms gateway to be consumed by a couple of projects,我正在写一个小型短信网关,供几个项目使用,

I implemented laravel passport authentication ( client credentials grant token )我实施了 laravel 护照身份验证( 客户端凭据授予令牌

Then I've added CheckClientCredentials to api middleware group:然后我将CheckClientCredentials添加到 api 中间件组:

protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [

    'api' => [

The logic is working fine, now in my controller I need to get client associated with a valid token.逻辑工作正常,现在在我的 controller 中,我需要让客户端与有效令牌相关联。


Route::post('/sms', function(Request $request) {
    // save the sms along with the client id and send it

    $client_id = ''; // get the client id somehow

    sendSms($request->text, $request->to, $client_id);

For obvious security reasons I can never send the client id with the consumer request eg $client_id = $request->client_id;出于明显的安全原因,我永远无法将客户端 ID 与消费者请求一起发送,例如$client_id = $request->client_id; . .

I use this, to access the authenticated client app...我用它来访问经过身份验证的客户端应用程序...

$bearerToken = $request->bearerToken();
$tokenId = (new \Lcobucci\JWT\Parser())->parse($bearerToken)->getHeader('jti');
$client = \Laravel\Passport\Token::find($tokenId)->client;

$client_id = $client->id;
$client_secret = $client->secret;

Source 来源

However the answer is quite late, i got some errors extracting the JTI header in Laravel 6.x because the JTI is no longer in the header, but only in the payload/claim.然而,答案已经很晚了,我在 Laravel 6.x 中提取 JTI 标头时遇到了一些错误,因为 JTI 不再位于标头中,而仅位于有效载荷/声明中。 (Using client grants) (使用客户赠款)

local.ERROR: Requested header is not configured {"exception":"[object] (OutOfBoundsException(code: 0): Requested header is not configured at /..somewhere/vendor/lcobucci/jwt/src/Token.php:112)

Also, adding it in a middleware was not an option for me.此外,将它添加到中间件中对我来说不是一个选择。 As i needed it on several places in my app.因为我在我的应用程序的几个地方需要它。

So i extended the original Laravel Passport Client (oauth_clients) model.所以我扩展了原始的 Laravel Passport Client (oauth_clients) 模型。 And check the header as well as the payload.并检查标头和有效载荷。 Allowing to pass a request, or use the request facade, if no request was passed.如果没有请求被传递,则允许传递请求,或使用请求门面。


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request as RequestFacade;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Laravel\Passport\Client;
use Laravel\Passport\Token;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Parser;

class OAuthClient extends Client
    public static function findByRequest(?Request $request = null) : ?OAuthClient
        $bearerToken = $request !== null ? $request->bearerToken() : RequestFacade::bearerToken();

        $parsedJwt = (new Parser())->parse($bearerToken);

        if ($parsedJwt->hasHeader('jti')) {
            $tokenId = $parsedJwt->getHeader('jti');
        } elseif ($parsedJwt->hasClaim('jti')) {
            $tokenId = $parsedJwt->getClaim('jti');
        } else {
            Log::error('Invalid JWT token, Unable to find JTI header');
            return null;

        $clientId = Token::find($tokenId)->client->id;

        return (new static)->findOrFail($clientId);

Now you can use it anywhere inside your laravel app like this:现在你可以在你的 Laravel 应用程序中的任何地方使用它,如下所示:

If you have $request object available, (for example from a controller)如果您有可用的 $request 对象,(例如来自控制器)

$client = OAuthClient::findByRequest($request);

Or even if the request is not available somehow, you can use it without, like this:或者即使请求以某种方式不可用,您也可以不使用它,如下所示:

$client = OAuthClient::findByRequest();

Hopefully this useful for anyone, facing this issue today.希望这对今天面临这个问题的任何人都有用。

There is a tricky method.有一个棘手的方法。 You can modify the method of handle in the middleware CheckClientCredentials, just add this line.可以修改中间件CheckClientCredentials中handle的方法,添加这一行即可。

        $request["oauth_client_id"] = $psr->getAttribute('oauth_client_id');

Then you can get client_id in controller's function:然后你可以在控制器的函数中获取client_id:

public function info(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)

The OAuth token and client information are stored as a protected variable in the Laravel\\Passport\\HasApiTokens trait (which you add to your User model). OAuth 令牌和客户端信息作为受保护的变量存储在 Laravel\\Passport\\HasApiTokens 特征(您添加到用户模型中)中。

So simply add a getter method to your User model to expose the OAuth information:因此,只需在您的User 模型中添加一个 getter 方法来公开 OAuth 信息:

public function get_oauth_client(){
  return $this->accessToken->client;

This will return an Eloquent model for the oauth_clients table这将为 oauth_clients 表返回一个 Eloquent 模型

So, no answers ...所以,没有答案...

I was able to resolve the issue by consuming my own API, finally I came up with simpler authentication flow, the client need to send their id & secret with each request, then I consumed my own /oauth/token route with the sent credentials, inspired by Esben Petersen blog post .我能够通过使用我自己的 API 来解决这个问题,最后我想出了更简单的身份验证流程,客户端需要在每个请求中发送他们的 id 和秘密,然后我使用我自己的/oauth/token路由和发送的凭据,灵感来自Esben Petersen 博客文章

Once the access token is generated, I append it to the headers of Symfony\\Request instance which is under processing.生成访问令牌后,我将其附加到正在处理的Symfony\\Request实例的标头中。

My final output like this:我的最终输出是这样的:


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Request;

use Closure;

class AddAccessTokenHeader
     * Octipus\ApiConsumer
     * @var ApiConsumer
    private $apiConsumer;

    function __construct() {
        $this->apiConsumer  = app()->make('apiconsumer');

     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $response = $this->apiConsumer->post('/oauth/token', $request->input(), [
            'content-type' => 'application/json'

        if (!$response->isSuccessful()) {
            return response($response->getContent(), 401)
                    ->header('content-type', 'application/json');

        $response = json_decode($response->getContent(), true);

            'Authorization'     => 'Bearer ' . $response['access_token'],
            'X-Requested-With'  => 'XMLHttpRequest'

        return $next($request);


I used the above middleware in conjunction with Passport's CheckClientCredentials .我将上述中间件与 Passport 的CheckClientCredentials结合使用。

protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [

    'api' => [

This way, I was able to insure that $request->input('client_id') is reliable and can't be faked.通过这种方式,我能够确保$request->input('client_id')是可靠的并且不能被伪造。

I dug into CheckClientCredentials class and extracted what I needed to get the client_id from the token.我深入研究了 CheckClientCredentials 类并提取了从令牌中获取client_id所需的内容。 aud claim is where the client_id is stored. aud声明是存储client_id地方。

    Route::middleware('client')->group(function() {
        Route::get('/client-id', function (Request $request) {
            $jwt = trim(preg_replace('/^(?:\s+)?Bearer\s/', '', $request->header('authorization')));
            $token = (new \Lcobucci\JWT\Parser())->parse($jwt);

            return ['client_id' => $token->getClaim('aud')];

Few places to refactor this to in order to easily access but that will be up to your application很少有地方可以重构它以便轻松访问,但这取决于您的应用程序

As I can see the above answer are old and most importantly it dose not work with laravel 8 and php 8 , so I have found a way to get the client id of the access token ( current request )正如我所看到的,上面的答案是旧的,最重要的是它不适用于laravel 8 和 php 8 ,所以我找到了一种方法来获取访问令牌的客户端 ID(当前请求)

the answer is basically making a middleware, and add it to all routes you want to get the client id.答案基本上是制作一个中间件,并将其添加到您想要获取客户端 ID 的所有路由中。


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Laravel\Passport\TokenRepository;
use League\OAuth2\Server\ResourceServer;
use Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException;
use League\OAuth2\Server\Exception\OAuthServerException;
use Symfony\Bridge\PsrHttpMessage\Factory\PsrHttpFactory;

class SetPassportClient

     * The Resource Server instance.
     * @var \League\OAuth2\Server\ResourceServer
    protected $server;

     * Token Repository.
     * @var \Laravel\Passport\TokenRepository
    protected $repository;

     * Create a new middleware instance.
     * @param  \League\OAuth2\Server\ResourceServer  $server
     * @param  \Laravel\Passport\TokenRepository  $repository
     * @return void
    public function __construct(ResourceServer $server, TokenRepository $repository)
        $this->server = $server;
        $this->repository = $repository;

     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        $psr = (new PsrHttpFactory(
            new Psr17Factory,
            new Psr17Factory,
            new Psr17Factory,
            new Psr17Factory

        try {
            $psr = $this->server->validateAuthenticatedRequest($psr);
        } catch (OAuthServerException $e) {
            throw new AuthenticationException;
        $token = $this->repository->find($psr->getAttribute('oauth_access_token_id'));

        if (!$token)

        $request->merge(['passportClientId' => $token->client_id]);

        return $next($request);

Add the middleware to app\\Http\\Kernel.php将中间件添加到app\\Http\\Kernel.php

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'passport.client.set' => \App\Http\Middleware\SetPassportClient::class

Finaly in the routes add the middleware最后在路由中添加中间件

Route::middleware(['client', 'passport.client.set'])->get('/test-client-id', function (Request $request){
 dd($request->passportClientId); // this the client id

Sorry for the long answer, but I want it to be very clear to any all.对不起,答案很长,但我希望所有人都非常清楚。

All of the code was inspired by laravel CheckCredentials.php所有代码都受到 laravel CheckCredentials.php 的启发

In the latest implementation you can use:在最新的实现中,您可以使用:

    use Laravel\Passport\Token;
    use Lcobucci\JWT\Configuration;
    $bearerToken = request()->bearerToken();
    $tokenId = Configuration::forUnsecuredSigner()->parser()->parse($bearerToken)->claims()->get('jti');
    $client = Token::find($tokenId)->client;

as suggested here: https://github.com/laravel/passport/issues/124#issuecomment-784731969正如这里所建议的: https : //github.com/laravel/passport/issues/124#issuecomment-784731969

public function handle($request, Closure $next, $scope)
    if (!empty($scope)) {
        $psr      = (new DiactorosFactory)->createRequest($request);
        $psr      = $this->server->validateAuthenticatedRequest($psr);
        $clientId = $psr->getAttribute('oauth_client_id');
        $request['oauth_client_id'] = intval($clientId);

    return $next($request);

put above to your middleware file, then you can access client_id by request()->oauth_client_id把上面放到你的中间件文件中,然后你可以通过request()->oauth_client_id访问 client_id

In a method you can easily get by:在一种方法中,您可以轻松获得:

$token = $request->user()->token();

$clientId = $token['client_id'];

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