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[英]Converting a list of differently named vectors into a dataframe with unique column names in R

The title is wordy, but i couldn't find a solution to this problem and wanted to be as specific as possible. 标题比较罗,,但我找不到解决此问题的方法,因此希望尽可能具体。 Is there an easy way to do the following: 有没有一种简单的方法可以执行以下操作:

test3 <- list('Row1'=c(a='a',b='b',c='c'), 'Row2'=c(a='d',var2='e',var3='f'))

desired dataframe
     a    b    c var2 var3
Row1 a    b    c <NA> <NA>
Row2 d <NA> <NA>    e    f

This article - https://www.r-bloggers.com/converting-a-list-to-a-data-frame/ - seems to claim I can just use as.data.frame(test3), however when I do it, I obtain: 这篇文章- https://www.r-bloggers.com/converting-a-list-to-a-data-frame/ -好像我要求可以只使用as.data.frame(TEST3),但是当我做它,我获得:

> as.data.frame(test3)
  Row1 Row2
a    a    d
b    b    e
c    c    f

     a   b   c  
Row1 "a" "b" "c"
Row2 "d" "e" "f"

neither of which are right... 两者都不对...

Thanks in advance for help! 在此先感谢您的帮助!

Here is a solution with rbindlist() from data.table : 这是来自data.table rbindlist()解决方案:

test3 <- list('Row1'=c(a='a',b='b',c='c'), 'Row2'=c(a='d',var2='e',var3='f'))
rbindlist(lapply(test3, as.list), fill=TRUE)
#    a  b  c var2 var3
# 1: a  b  c   NA   NA
# 2: d NA NA    e    f

The elements of your list test3 are named character vectors - so first coercing to lists. 列表test3的元素被命名为字符向量-因此首先强制列表。
If you want the rownames you can do: 如果需要行名,可以执行以下操作:

result <- setDF(rbindlist(lapply(test3, as.list), fill=TRUE))
rownames(result) <- names(test3)
#        a    b    c var2 var3
#   Row1 a    b    c <NA> <NA>
#   Row2 d <NA> <NA>    e    f

This will coerce the data.table to a dataframe and then sets the rownames. 这会将data.table强制转换为数据框,然后设置行名。
For a data.table result you have to define an extra column for the rownames: 对于data.table结果,您必须为行名定义一个额外的列:

result <- rbindlist(lapply(test3, as.list), fill=TRUE)
result[, rowna := names(test3)]
#    a  b  c var2 var3 rowna
# 1: a  b  c   NA   NA  Row1
# 2: d NA NA    e    f  Row2

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