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[英]How to check if the User entered String is same as that of something

I have this code sample. 我有此代码示例。 There is a scanf to hold the input String values from keyboard (ie Lotus). 有一个scanf可以保存键盘(例如Lotus)的输入String值。 But even if I type the word Lotus correctly It does not execute the relevant if statement. 但是,即使我正确输入了Lotus这个词,它也不会执行相关的if语句。 **Is there any problem with my scanf function??? **我的scanf函数有什么问题吗???

    int main()
        char landType,houseType[100],wantToContinue,wantToContinue2;
        float installment;
        while(wantToContinue == 'Y' || wantToContinue == 'y') {
            printf("Land Type : ");
            scanf(" %c",&landType); 
            if(landType == 'A') {
                printf("Type of House: ");
                scanf(" %s", houseType);
                if(houseType == "Lotus") { 
                   //this won't go inside if statement even if I type Lotus correctly
                    printf("Monthly Installment : R.s %.2f\n",installment/120);
                    printf("Do you want to Continue?(Y/y or N/n) : ");
                    scanf(" %c",&wantToContinue2);                  
                    if(wantToContinue2 == 'Y' || wantToContinue2 == 'y') {

Be careful when comparing two strings in C. You should use the strcmp function from the string.h library, like so: 在C中比较两个字符串时要小心。应使用string.h库中的strcmp函数,如下所示:

if(strcmp("Lotus", houseType) == 0)

When you write if(houseType=="Lotus") you are actually comparing the base address of the two strings and not their actual content. 当您编写if(houseType=="Lotus")您实际上是在比较两个字符串的基地址,而不是它们的实际内容。

In C, strings cannot be compared using == . 在C语言中,不能使用==比较字符串。 This is because strings are not a basic data type in C, that is C does not inherently understand how to compare them - you must use a function instead. 这是因为字符串不是C中的基本数据类型,也就是说C本质上不了解如何比较它们-您必须使用函数。

A standard function for comparing strings in C is strcmp() , eg: 比较C语言中的字符串的标准函数是strcmp() ,例如:

if (strcmp(houseType, "Lotus") == 0)
    // do some work if the strings are equal

To explain further, your initial attempt to compare strings using housetype == "Lotus" actually compares the address where the first character of the character array houseType is stored with the address where the first character of the character array "Lotus" is stored. 为了进一步解释,您最初使用housetype == "Lotus"比较字符串的尝试实际上是将存储字符数组houseType的第一个字符的地址与存储字符数组"Lotus"的第一个字符的地址进行比较。

This happens because strings in C are just arrays of characters - they are not an inherent data type, C does not, as such, understand the difference between an array of integers and an array of characters, they are all just numbers arranged contiguously somewhere in memory and it treats them as such unless you specifically use code that operates on them as strings instead. 发生这种情况是因为C中的字符串只是字符数组-它们不是固有的数据类型,因此C不能理解整数数组和字符数组之间的区别,它们都只是在数组中某个位置连续排列的数字内存,它会这样对待它们,除非您专门使用对它们进行操作的代码作为字符串。

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